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Messages - power9mm

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Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 41 is out!
« on: December 31, 2024, 12:38:24 pm »
I don't see how (or why) a Fedora install would change the pnor. There is a write protect switch on the motherboard that will prevent the BMC from writing to the FLASH chips.
it doesn't have a WP range by default so afaik flipping the dip switch as it is out of the box won't do anything..

I don't think this would work as written for the original PowerPC Q3VM, which was big-endian (little-endian PowerPC wasn't really a thing in those days). There may also be a few 32-64 bit edges, though I would think that would be minor.
it wouldn't, it needs a new one. Game/sourceport still works as is though, just some mods will have performance degradation..

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: POWER11 on the horizon?
« on: November 25, 2024, 12:53:47 am »
If anything I'm most interested in is IBM returning to its core open source design, so that it has a Power 11 processor that's exactly as open as a Power 8 or Power 9, I'm not going to buy Power CPUs. that they are not IBM because their technology is the best ever for their processors and I don't think that any other company, no matter how good, can reach their level and therefore I don't intend to change companies for these microprocessors. IBM creates it and IBM must produce it or have it produced by one of its direct partners to be the best, this at least is my humble opinion and then obviously it is debatable by anyone.

I've learned in life not to get hung up on vendor brands. Especially in the computing space, it's all about the design and how it's implemented.

I think in this case it's mostly reference to IBMs QC with their foundry etc.. in the 90s my dad had produced tooling for motorola (he owned a machine shop), unsure if they were used for manufacturing POWER cpus but what I do know is the workers at motorola had told him and his constituents that when they switched to chinese produced tooling that the american made tooling had been a lot better... for whatever thats worth.

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: POWER11 on the horizon?
« on: November 25, 2024, 12:51:26 am »
For end consumer/home user adoption, it's really the price that kills it... and maybe perhaps a lack of better marketing but I mean just setting one of these up isnt as simple as building a windows gaming machine so IDK...

GPU Compute / Accelerators / Re: Radeon RDNA3 support?
« on: November 20, 2024, 07:58:49 pm »
so any updates to this? my next POWER system i'd like to use one of the new single slot pro w7600s

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: Debian 12 status?
« on: November 19, 2024, 04:48:10 pm »

It is really sad that so many people are suffering because of the politics in Debian.  It is really bad for people who spent money on the Raptor hardware and it is also really bad for my family, friends, neighbors and many other people who had these political problems forced upon them by the social media set.

all i know is the installer was broken, i'm sure it still is lol

I completely agree with Classic, I don't think Risc V can compete with the Power architecture, let's say it's a world apart.
That's why I went with raptor, riscv just isn't suitable for a desktop imo.


I think you should try it.

Below are some details:

The main goal of OpenMoHAA is to ensure the future and continuity of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. It has always been a dream in the community to provide patches and security fixes for the game. Thanks to the ioquake3 project, F.A.K.K SDK and other quality tools,

OpenMoHAA allows people to fix many issues, and this project reached this state without access to the source code.

I don't have a power system currently. I played this game back in the day because it had a linux port, but I liked RTCW and day of defeat a lot more heh... I'm not very interested in it though. Whenever raptor sells power10 systems i'll maybe go back to messing with half life 2 and stalker etc. main thing for me is better support for the ISA from ezQuake and Quake3e.

since this is quake 3 engine i imagine it'd still have the same issues with QVM etc in regards to performance

User Zone / Re: Fedora or Suse ppc
« on: August 27, 2024, 02:15:24 pm »
i don't think alot of people use opensuse. I did when I had a blackbird, leap was pretty good I liked it more than fedora but codecs for video playback were a problem unsure if that's resolved now. There was also the issue of missing libraries in the repo needed to build software on occasion. When I used leap I had to use a newer kernel for some ppc64le patches/updates that weren't in the standard mainline leap kernel. Tumbleweed is pretty incomplete, it's near unusable for a desktop imo. Fedora had more software support but I wasn't really a fan of it, it had problems with my mouse when clocked at 1000hz and just didnt feel as solid/stable. most people tend to use fedora or debian though. I used a blackbird as a main desktop, it's not super different from x86 linux imo.

Quake3e still needs a bytecode compiler for ppc64le if you were still interested in helping with that.

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: Debian 12 status?
« on: August 03, 2024, 07:19:27 pm »
when I had my blackbird I only ever used the 64k page size but I wonder if some applications would've performed better or didn't crash under 4k, this was mostly game software stuff but maybe some other things as well. I suppose i'll mess with it whenever power10 rolls around.

GPU Compute / Accelerators / Re: Intel Arc Support in Kernel 6.8
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:48:46 pm »
well, hopefully it gets working at somepoint because my AMD card loved to blackscreen

Blackbird / Re: Availability of P9 hardware post-ISA 3.1 HW launch
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:38:05 pm »
who knows, there's some cheaper surplus offerings on ebay and the like. maybe they'll do a liquidation sale on the older boards whenever the new stuff rolls out

Blackbird / Re: Blackbird for sale
« on: December 30, 2023, 08:14:49 am »

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