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Topics - MauryG5

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Applications and Porting / Chromium for Ubuntu
« on: November 17, 2024, 11:16:00 am »
By chance I re -examined the Hardisk where I had installed Ubuntu 20.04, I had dismantled it about 3 years ago as it had too many small bugs and in the meantime Debian 11 had arrived which I had liked much more than Debian 10 and so I went to Debian. I noticed with my great surprise that in the meantime, after years, they finally resolved those ugly and annoying bugs that compromised the proper functioning of Firefox and that did not work completely working Thunderbird. I said incredible Wow, considering how little I see used Ubuntu in our Cominita Power, compared to Fedora and Debian above all. I must say that now I am using it again with good satisfaction, however, I miss the only thing and that I cannot use Chromium despite being Ubuntu a direct debian derivative. I was wondering and I would also ask Raptor that I take care of Chromium, is it not possible to have repositories compatible for Chromium? I tried to use those of Debian 12 before and 11 after but nothing. I managed to install the key, the repositories, on the other hand, obviously do not go even if in reality when I try to update after putting the reposoarths, he loads them almost all except one that ignores and I think it happens because they are not the right ones for Ubuntu. I was wondering if there was a way, as Ubuntu was a Debian derivative, to be able to install Chromium too ...

Operating Systems and Porting / Problems with new Kernels on Debian 12
« on: October 20, 2024, 03:29:07 pm »
Guys I redid the correct installation of Debian 12, at the time I had made a mistake because I had put a repository that had brought Debian from 11 to 12 but had not updated the repositories and I had not therefore noticed this lack and in fact Debian broke at a certain point. I had returned to 11, I used it until yesterday but today I wanted to do the correct procedure to update to 12. Well after having done everything and also installed the repositories correctly, modifying the file /etc/apt/source.list, I tried to compile the latest kernel 6.11.4 but unfortunately it does not work. Even those that I had previously compiled and installed for Debian 11 such as 6.10.1 or 6.11.2 do not work and then I understood that there is something that does not work in Debian 12 for the new Kernels. The only one that works is its 6.1.32. Do you have any idea what is missing and what needs to be changed to make Debian 12 work properly with the latest Kernels? Could it be that I am missing the backport repository in the list and that is why I cannot install new Kernels? As long as I used Debian 11 there were no problems and all the latest Kernels always worked, I don't understand... :-\

User Zone / Print no longer starts and cups doesn't allow sudden changes
« on: October 02, 2023, 12:51:50 pm »
Guys, I have an anomalous problem that I can't explain with Cups on Debian. Suddenly the printing no longer starts but there are 2 things that I don't understand that are really absurd in my opinion. The first is that the system sees the printer as normal and ready to go but it doesn't start. The second is that cups no longer allows me to make any changes, it always tells me that it is forbidden and no longer even allows me to delete and reset the printer from 0. It should be noted that the printer works properly both on another computer and on Fedora if I try with another operating system. The problem is therefore only on Debian which I don't understand why it suddenly stops printing and has cups blocked and no longer editable. Even when it asks me for my user name and password, it continues to forbid me from making any changes. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling cups but the problem persists... I can no longer understand what to do to restore printing...

Good evening guys, today while I was regularly using my Power System with Debian 11.6, I receive a classic notification of various updates and when I go to open the update package manager, I find the beauty fi 2078 updates... I tell myself damn what is it ' happened, maybe they updated Debian to 11.7 and instead I find myself with Debian 12... I didn't even know it was in circulation, I had understood that it would come out towards the end of the year but apparently it's not like that if now I'm writing from Debian 12... Honestly I didn't expect it, it has Gnome 3.43.4 and it seems to work very well and fluidly. The appearance is very reminiscent of Fedora with Gnome 3.40 and therefore the most used application bar is at the bottom and not on the sides. At the moment it seems to work quite well, it has also updated the Kernel to version 6.1 and therefore now the Kernel has a good recent version as well. I'll try to test everything these days, I don't know why maybe yesterday since I entered a repository that I saw on the site, it's probably the one that made me download this update because I don't think it's officially available yet for everyone. I just wanted to install Corectr and instead I have the impression of having done much more without wanting to... Gnome's fluidity is very reminiscent of the excellent one of Ubuntu with Gnome 3.4.X, they seem to be very similar and let's say it is what Fedora should have been when it passed to the new version 40 and which instead was not... Obviously all the various basic applications have also been updated such as Libreoffice for example which is now in version 7.4. All in all, an unexpected surprise...

Applications and Porting / CoreCtrl for Debian
« on: April 19, 2023, 12:44:27 am »
I've just read that the CoreCtrl application for Debian has been released, a program to monitor all your computer's activities including CPU and GPU temperatures.  Does anyone know if it will also be available for us at Power in the short term?

Applications and Porting / Sega Dreamcast emulations
« on: December 25, 2022, 04:11:51 pm »
Sorry guys, have any of you ever used LXDREAM ppc64LE version? I've read that it's one of the few that runs the Sega Dreamcast well in emulation...Do you have any news about it? Always thanks!

Greetings to the whole Power community, I thought that in order not to always create new discussions about each Kernel that comes out, make a single discussion that can contain all the main news and problems of the new Kernels on Power. I start immediately with the first test on the new 5.19.1 Kernel just installed and which seems to work without any kind of problem.

Operating Systems and Porting / Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
« on: April 24, 2022, 05:04:45 pm »
Guys I tried to update Ubuntu 21.10 with the new version 22.04 because now I've been keeping Ubuntu installed on a hardisk for some time and I like to try the news and see how it goes. What I can essentially say are 2 things, the first is that from the point of view of the general management of the operating system, Ubuntu confirms itself as the best there is currently on Power. The fluidity in moving the various pages and the whole Gnome 42 is truly fabulous, better than 21.10 which still had some uncertainty while still being overall good and well usable. So while fedora gets worse and worse and you are forced to manually install optimizations, Ubuntu is getting better and better and currently has the best handling of Gnome 4X that there is on Power. The second thing I noticed is that the more it evolves graphically and in general management, the more it regresses in terms of software in general. Let me explain better, his damned criticisms increase more and more! All this is incredible and it gets on a lot of nerves honestly because it's a shame to see a distro that is so good on a technical level and then gets totally lost in use. In the meantime, the first thing that catches the eye is that Firefox, which was already suffering from big perennial problems, of which I have spoken to you several times, as if by magic it totally disappears and you never see it again ... It has disappeared from me. pure Grub Customizer which I used to manage the 5.15.X Kernel booting. I tried to insert the Raptor repositories for Chromium and once I save, if I try to reopen the software & update to insert the key, the application doesn't open anymore and I have to remove the Raptor repositories ... I didn't go further because 'already' I was nervous enough and I gave up from continuing to try but probably if I continue I also find other criticisms that have always been present on this distro on Power and have never been resolved. So I wonder how it is possible that still no one tests this distro to try to fix all these criticisms that have always afflicted him, crazy, I'm speechless ...

User Zone / Clone hardisk Linux
« on: February 02, 2022, 06:38:15 am »
Power friends good morning, I have a question to ask you, I would like to clone the hard drive containing Debian 11 and bring it to SSD, currently being that I was just testing it, I have it on a mechanical hard drive.  What is the best procedure you recommend, without obviously doing damage?  Thanks always!

Operating Systems and Porting / New Kernel 5.16 and new problem
« on: January 15, 2022, 10:32:42 am »
Dear guys you Power, as you know the new Kernel 5.16 has just come out and I like to do it as usual, I wanted to try it immediately, compiling my version.  Obviously now from 5.14 onwards you have to set the AMD GPU parameter to 0 otherwise it won't start.  Well after having done everything and started this beautiful news appeared to me, which you can see in the picture and at that point everything freezes and eventually it does not work and you have to do a reset and restart ... I say it is possible never that every time there must be a new problem in these Kernels ??? !!!!  I can not understand!

Applications and Porting / Proton on Power
« on: November 27, 2021, 04:24:55 am »
Hello everyone, lately I have read some articles about the great development that the Proton application is having on Linux and I have also read that it is completely open source and therefore accessible. I searched first in the various sections of the forum but it seems to me that I have not yet found anything about it. Do you have any news if this Proton will also come to us on Power?

General CPU Discussion / The point about Power 10 currently
« on: November 25, 2021, 01:41:09 pm »
Friends of the Power community, I think the time has come to take stock of the Power 10 situation because in my opinion at the moment there is a bit too much impatience combined with general confusion. So currently, if you have read everything correctly, it is clear that Power 10 was launched by IBM but only and exclusively for the 1080 series servers and we all know that they are the high-end ones. Furthermore, it has been repeatedly observed that the processors currently in use by these servers, obviously are the high-end ones, ie with a minimum of 15 cores (16 but one is turned off if necessary) and a maximum of 30 cores. Now we all know well that these numbers, also linked to the range to which these servers belong, clearly makes us understand that these are CPUs clearly of the type to understand, direct successors of MONZA and LAGRANGE of Power 9 and therefore high-end. It is perfectly obvious that currently, even if the firmware were completely free, Raptor would not be able to produce a P10 based motherboard on the spot because the costs would obviously be prohibitive. So the reasons that today cannot lead to a production of P10-based motherboards are both the current lack of free firmware but also the lack of medium and low-range solutions, equivalent to our current Sforza P9. So I would say that instead of continuing to ask Raptor when and if it will produce P10 based cards, we should concentrate on waiting for the release of the mid and low range solutions in the meantime, which I don't think will arrive shortly and later, once they start. to exit, then also see if IBM will start as I think, to release the firmware sources completely open and ask Raptor what programs they will have at that point on P10. Currently I repeat, there is nothing feasible because even if the firmware were already free, the prices are prohibitive and there are no CPU offers equivalent to Sforza which is what we all use on our Power systems for desktop. and small home servers ... Let's be patient and see what will come out maybe already in 2022 by IBM on the medium and low range and then we will start to have everything clearer!

Operating Systems and Porting / New Ubuntu 21.10
« on: October 17, 2021, 04:02:09 am »
Guys, the new Ubuntu 21.10 is out and as I imagined, it has a much smoother and more normal Gnome 40 handling than Fedora. Canonical has in fact waited to use this version just to fix some of the problems it had and so now we at Power can also benefit from a normal and fluid interface almost as it should be. Also on the audio sector they preferred to stay on Pulse Audio and not switch to Pipewire given the problems encountered with the dedicated sound cards and which I myself have reported to the Fedora team. I upgraded yesterday morning and have been testing the system ever since, everything seems to be running fine and as it should so far.

Firmware / HostBoot VS CoreBoot
« on: August 30, 2021, 08:14:59 am »
Power Community Hello everyone, connecting to the HostBoot / CoreBoot speech just started thanks to our new member and friend Pietrushnic, I wanted to start analyzing more concretely what it is about. I'll post some links where you can clearly see the net difference in startup between the classic BMC startup in HostBoot mode and the same then, in the new CoreBoot mode. You can clearly see the marked difference of the two starts and I must say that the conditions for this new type of firmware in CoreBoot are really good. We know how slow BMC is currently booting into HostBoot mode, we have been talking about it for some time if I remember correctly, about how to speed up this boot a bit. Well, a possible solution is given by those of 3mdeb, with their new firmware written in CoreBoot that from what you see in the videos, from a nice acceleration to everything ...

You can see that in the test, entering the Talos BMC with a second computer in this case, a test is performed with HostBoot boot which is the current one we use and then a boot in CoreBoot which is what 3mdeb is working on ... The improvement it seems remarkable to me ...

Good evening everyone and happy 4th of July to all the american friends of the Open Power community and to all the Raptor staff of course, I know it's a holiday in your country so I take the opportunity to wish you a happy 4th of July. I'm trying to compile the new Kernel 5.13 but I don't know why it gives me some compilation errors that I can't understand because they don't lead me to anything that could be missing. I've installed all the new libraries that you asked me but unfortunately I always get compile error, do you have any idea of what is changed in this Kernel, that sends these compile errors on Fedora? On Ubuntu for example I had no problem and currently I'm successfully using the new Kernel 5.13 without problems. I'll show you the errors it gives me....

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