Applications and Porting / Chromium for Ubuntu
« on: November 17, 2024, 11:16:00 am »
By chance I re -examined the Hardisk where I had installed Ubuntu 20.04, I had dismantled it about 3 years ago as it had too many small bugs and in the meantime Debian 11 had arrived which I had liked much more than Debian 10 and so I went to Debian. I noticed with my great surprise that in the meantime, after years, they finally resolved those ugly and annoying bugs that compromised the proper functioning of Firefox and that did not work completely working Thunderbird. I said incredible Wow, considering how little I see used Ubuntu in our Cominita Power, compared to Fedora and Debian above all. I must say that now I am using it again with good satisfaction, however, I miss the only thing and that I cannot use Chromium despite being Ubuntu a direct debian derivative. I was wondering and I would also ask Raptor that I take care of Chromium, is it not possible to have repositories compatible for Chromium? I tried to use those of Debian 12 before and 11 after but nothing. I managed to install the key, the repositories, on the other hand, obviously do not go even if in reality when I try to update after putting the reposoarths, he loads them almost all except one that ignores and I think it happens because they are not the right ones for Ubuntu. I was wondering if there was a way, as Ubuntu was a Debian derivative, to be able to install Chromium too ...