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Messages - Borley

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Mod Zone / Squeezing out more USB I/O
« on: January 21, 2025, 04:46:49 pm »
Finally, after years of procrastination, I have gotten around to mocking up an additional rear panel USB port.

I used a short USB type A male to USB type A female header cord from Startech, combined with a low-profile PCI bracket.

Nobody sells low-profile USB PCI brackets, so I had to order a dual-port bracket and use a small washer to secure the second fastener.

The cable is just long enough to route over the PCIe add-in cards to the type A header on the Blackbird board. I'm not sure how well (or not) this would have worked with a full sized system.

I tested that it is working and now finally have communication between my workstation and its uninterruptible power supply. Maybe I can start leaving this system powered on 24/7 once more.

Kudos, Raptor Computing Systems, your boards can survive at least:

Code: [Select]
Power Cycles:                       1,126
Power On Hours:                     7,986

I hope the next ones are even better.

GPU Compute / Accelerators / Re: Intel Arc Support in Kernel 6.8
« on: January 17, 2025, 09:19:14 am »
Assuming that either the i915 or Xe drivers were sorted out, would Intel's dGPUs be able to display skiroot and petitboot output during startup without needing to add blobs to the PNOR?

If I understand correctly, Arc GPUs do not require propriety firmware be loaded at runtime like how AMD's are currently encumbered?

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: POWER11 on the horizon?
« on: December 18, 2024, 07:20:34 pm »
Only two weeks left of Q4 2024. I'm speculating that things have been pushed back and that's why we have not seen any announcements yet. Unless there is some trade show or twitter activity that I've missed.

Having an on board nvme header is pretty much the norm these days. If any new boards yet to be announced have one integrated, that would be one less major hurdle for builders to overcome.

Talos II / Re: SMART repeatedly reporting temperature errors for NVMe SSD
« on: December 13, 2024, 10:34:52 pm »
It is possible to find heat spreaders that adhere to the drive. I know I've gotten a few nvme drives that include them, but never had to use them. Otherwise, this sounds like something a strategically placed 40/60/80mm fan could alleviate.

Well that explains why certain interactive pages have been erroring "WebAssembly not defined" when checking the developer console.

I just chalked it up to my user.js template disabling WASM.

Applications and Porting / Re: How to build Barony Game
« on: November 20, 2024, 03:41:20 pm »
Some progress has been made with OpenAL. OpenAL patches are buildable through

The build process has changed a bit since starting this thread.

Code: [Select]
apt install libgl1-mesa-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-net-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libphysfs-dev rapidjson-dev libglut-dev libopenal-dev libvorbis-dev
Code: [Select]

make -j 4

Copy game assets books, data, fonts, images, items, maps, models, music, sound, themes into the directory from which you will be launching the barony executable.

Blackbird / IPL cycle failure
« on: October 22, 2024, 01:03:08 pm »
I have recently been unable to boot one of my Blackbirds (Rev 1.02). This thread will serve as notes for my troubleshoot.

Problem: The board BMC starts when mains power is available and the bottom left LED (D7000) flashes rapidly for 2-3 seconds before entering into a slower pulse indicating BMC bringup. However, upon starting chassis power, the board immediately restarts back to BMC bringup. System fans just barely begin to turn before it resets like this.

I can log into the BMC without issue and it reports (possibly old) critical failures:

Code: [Select]
HIGH Error: xyz.openbmc.project.Common.Error.InternalFailure Aug 27, 2022 5:24:36 AM
HIGH Error: open_power.Host.Boot.Error.Checkstop Aug 27, 2022 4:41:00 AM
HIGH Error: open_power.Host.Error.MaintenanceProcecure Aug 27, 2022 4:40:47 AM
HIGH Error: open_power.Host.Error.Event Aug 27, 2022 4:40:46 AM

I say possibly because these errors are old and have been in the log since before this boot issue manifested itself.


1) Re-seat all components, cables
Reseated RAM, CPU, fan connectors, power connectors and tested with PCI devices and all rear+front I/O disconnected - issue persists

2) Check power supply
Checked power supply health with a tester - PSU is functioning properly
Attempted bootup with a different PSU (also tested functional) - issue persists

3) Reflash PNOR, BMC

This Blackbird board typically only sees occasional use for testing, with the only recent change being that I'd started leaving mains power (behind a UPS) connected 24/7 when it is between usage. It is upsetting to have boards costing north of a thousand USD just randomly quit on me, though I will try my best to recover it. Any input is welcome.

Firmware / Re: Idenitfy versions of firmwares
« on: October 20, 2024, 06:42:38 pm »
I have always supplied the full path when using scp

Code: [Select]
scp /path/to/blackbird-v2.10.pnor root@<BMC address>:/tmp/

General Hardware Discussion / Re: Libre SOC, uh
« on: October 09, 2024, 07:48:52 pm »
NLnet pulled their funding for LibreSoC earlier this year with a statement vaguely suggesting that the future of LibreSoC wasn't clear. When you explore the project's web page, it becomes abundantly clear as to why.

It really bums me out too that the project was initially started to address the lack of fully free GPUs. Then later shifted focus to a low power generic SoC, and now this. We are badly in need of a "Raptor Computing Systems" of the GPU space.

Applications and Porting / Lynis audit
« on: October 09, 2024, 07:43:12 pm »
For a long time, I had simply thought there were just regressions in Lynis. But digging further down revealed some test modules have hard coded paths for specific CPU architectures (ARM and x86, the usual). In retrospect, those modules did start failing right around the time I switched to powerpc...


Code: [Select]

to Lynis' include/tests_authentication restores working detection for the presence of password strength checkers. I've gone ahead and opened a request at their git.

General CPU Discussion / Re: 3U HSF End of Life'd
« on: October 04, 2024, 11:41:45 pm »
The "talk is cheap" thing they've got going is kind of nice, until it's not any more. Maintaining a joyful anticipation for Talos III/Blackbird II/S1 systems with no news whatsoever for more than 11 months (with the announced release date ending in less than two months) is probably not something people are going to do.

Not even on their Txitter? I haven't been able to check ever since the API got closed off for frontends like nitter.

General CPU Discussion / Re: 3U HSF End of Life'd
« on: October 03, 2024, 12:24:02 am »
I'll admit I'm excited for whatever they're doing with S1, as it is now Q4 2024. But life has taught me not to work up expectations.

If RCS sought to develop and sell RISC-V systems, I would have no reservations about buying any. It's not that I have any particular loyalty to PowerPC or anything. It just happened to be the most mature, complete and performant solution available.

Applications and Porting / Re: How to build Barony Game
« on: August 07, 2024, 12:19:31 pm »
Recent releases appear to have dropped OpenAL audio, requiring audio to be disabled in compile options before Barony can be built successfully.

Which means that recent Barony (with all the fancy lighting improvements) cannot be played on PowerPC linux with audio, until this has been resolved.

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