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Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by Hasturtium on May 06, 2024, 06:46:19 pm »
Disregard - decided I must have followed a bad post-setup guide for F39 that broke something in the installer, so I went ahead and performed a clean install while maintaining my /home partition’s contents. Reporting in, it’s… working fine? Apart from Chromium, which is behaving as others have mentioned: it’s quick initially but bogs down and seems to stare into space in fits and starts before finally locking up and crashing. Sharkcz’s copr of Firefox 115.10 with the honorable ClassicHasClass’s JIT patches to the rescue.
YES after a few minutes it freezes, the hard disk starts reading who knows what and after a while it suddenly closes and stops... It should be reported to the Fedora team at this point, they have to see what's missing...
My guess is it's unfinished. I did my F40 upgrade over the weekend and Chromium throws occasional breakpoint traps. There might be some sections of code that are unimplemented.
Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by tle on May 05, 2024, 09:44:58 pm »
Joy of joys - in setting up my clean install of Fedora 39 I did some media repo poking, opting for Red Hat’s non-free sources so I could get video acceleration properly working in YouTube and VLC. But when I try to run the Fedora 40 upgrade it kvetches that it can’t find corresponding packages and throws the brakes on things. Should I run it with —allow-erasing and prepare to redo my repo selection on the other side?

Could you be more specific which non-free repo sources? I am using RPMFusion for non-free codec and Mesa and have no issues at all.
Unfortunately, despite the latest updates, the Chromium problem on Fedora persists in the same way... Today I installed the latest updates but the problem is the same as before, nothing has changed!
Applications and Porting / Porting VR games to the Talos II
« Last post by isengaara on May 05, 2024, 02:08:56 pm »
Today I did a talk at libreplanet: Gaming on a Talos II: How I avoid using Steam
A gameplay video is here.

My VR setup includes four ICE40 FPGAs, the first one is the Talos II System FPGA.  The two controllers KN0 and KN1 and the headset T20 use their own bigger FPGAs for lighthouse tracking. I plan to design my own hardware that tracks using lighthouse.

There is also a forum thread on the Trisquel site.
Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by Hasturtium on May 04, 2024, 07:39:10 am »
Joy of joys - in setting up my clean install of Fedora 39 I did some media repo poking, opting for Red Hat’s non-free sources so I could get video acceleration properly working in YouTube and VLC. But when I try to run the Fedora 40 upgrade it kvetches that it can’t find corresponding packages and throws the brakes on things. Should I run it with —allow-erasing and prepare to redo my repo selection on the other side?
Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by DKnoto on April 29, 2024, 04:46:35 am »
In my system:

Code: [Select]
[root@talos2 ~]# nvram -v -p ibm,skiboot --print-config
NVRAM size 589824 bytes
NVRAM contains 4 partitions
"ibm,skiboot" Partition

Auto boot and fast reboot are two different things and old kernels don't have the same bugs as new kernels.

Exactly. See
Yes, I also encountered the Chromium blocking defect, I also wrote about it in the post relating to Fedora 40. Fedora itself encounters a problem and writes it and says that it automatically reported it, it freezes, the hard disk starts I don't know what to load and then suddenly Chromium closes and that's it.
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