I decided to try Gentoo on my Blackbird. It's been more than a decade since I actually used system built from sources, I'm kind of waiting whether bw42 will ever discover, why I'm not able to build kernel on my RiscySlack install and I have spare SATA SSD as RiscySlack is installed on the NVMe, so why not?
I wonder, did anyone successfully tried Gentoo?
And how did you install? I quicky discovered that it's not possible to install from the PPC64 ISO, because it's BE and if you want to have the system in LE, you will fail to chroot after installing the stage3 -
/bin/bash is in incompatible format 
I'll try to do everything up to the chroot from RiscySlack, but I assume, that this can't be what Gentoo authors had in mind. Am I missing something?