Hi all

I'm currently still working on and with my Talos II. When it's in tip top shape I will invest in a BlackBird with an 8-core POWER9v2 (this will find its way into the setup I have below :-)
BackgroundI am building a NAS and HTPC, and currently conentrating on the NAS. It will hold multimedia for my HTPC, it needs to be very quiet -- or, if miraculously it can be made be silent -- I will be thrilled to bits and then I'll jump over the moon!!
The NAS ideally would be made from a Talos or BlackBird but this isn't feasible yet. So I'm looking at Intel based solutions, so that I can more forward without having to wade deep into the reeds.
Ideal specifications:At present, my NAS's main characteristics:
The ideas are:
- It must be very quiet or near silent.
- Use existing hardware where possible.
- 8x LFF spinning HDD's where possible. I have 4x WD Red 8 TB HDD's, 16x WD Re and WD Gold SAS and SATA 4 TB HDD's, and 30x WD Red 3 TB HDD's. This may go up to 10, 12, however many not to overload the chassis with heat.
- Noctua all the way!
How does this look for the beginning specs of a quiet, living room, multimedia file server for our family HTPC?
HTPC machine: First iteration has been shelved.My first idea was to use one node from my 5-node Orange Pi +2E cluster, which is our silent, beautiful, and powerful enough hiome server for our family's needs. (Website, photos for family, etc.) I wondered whether an Allwinner H3, H5, H6, A20, A64, etc, could gracefully function as an HTPC. The developers in the #linux-sunxi and #H3Droid channels discussed a few details with me, including the fact that open source and libre user space video libraries and the video hardware software interface have been developed and even merged to the appropriate places upstream! I was gently nudged in an easier direction. I got an implication that getting the FLOSS solution for video working is going to drag me into having to put even more pots on the boil, and right now I juat need to focus on getting these working.
Any ideas and I would be very appreciative!! Thank you!