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Applications and Porting / Re: Chromium for Ubuntu
« Last post by atomicdog on November 26, 2024, 08:12:13 pm »
LLVM switched from svn to git.
Applications and Porting / Re: Chromium for Ubuntu
« Last post by MauryG5 on November 25, 2024, 10:49:41 am »
Hi, I don't understand how I can get the number I need from this information you are giving me...
General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: POWER11 on the horizon?
« Last post by power9mm on November 25, 2024, 12:53:47 am »
If anything I'm most interested in is IBM returning to its core open source design, so that it has a Power 11 processor that's exactly as open as a Power 8 or Power 9, I'm not going to buy Power CPUs. that they are not IBM because their technology is the best ever for their processors and I don't think that any other company, no matter how good, can reach their level and therefore I don't intend to change companies for these microprocessors. IBM creates it and IBM must produce it or have it produced by one of its direct partners to be the best, this at least is my humble opinion and then obviously it is debatable by anyone.

I've learned in life not to get hung up on vendor brands. Especially in the computing space, it's all about the design and how it's implemented.

I think in this case it's mostly reference to IBMs QC with their foundry etc.. in the 90s my dad had produced tooling for motorola (he owned a machine shop), unsure if they were used for manufacturing POWER cpus but what I do know is the workers at motorola had told him and his constituents that when they switched to chinese produced tooling that the american made tooling had been a lot better... for whatever thats worth.
General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: POWER11 on the horizon?
« Last post by power9mm on November 25, 2024, 12:51:26 am »
For end consumer/home user adoption, it's really the price that kills it... and maybe perhaps a lack of better marketing but I mean just setting one of these up isnt as simple as building a windows gaming machine so IDK...
Applications and Porting / Re: Chromium for Ubuntu
« Last post by carlosgonz on November 24, 2024, 06:23:35 pm »
I am  using Netsurf plus duckduckgo-htmlsearch because native libre firmware on gles1.
General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: POWER11 on the horizon?
« Last post by tle on November 24, 2024, 05:51:44 pm »
Another post from Phoronix confirming that POWER11 is likely to be debut in 2025. Let's hope it is actually less binary flop than that of POWER10
Applications and Porting / Re: Chromium for Ubuntu
« Last post by MauryG5 on November 24, 2024, 12:03:20 pm »
I am trying to build Chromium from 0, following the wiki/raptor guide but unfortunately I blocked myself in the part where you have to enter the exact version of the Clag compiler that Chromium uses. Raptor recommends using the specific version of the moment and from a link where to see it and the link shows this result: Clang_revision = 'LLVMORG-20-ARST-9764-GB81D8E90'

The problem is that it does not work in every way, whether I take it as it is, it gives me error of syntax because it only wants it to numbers, entering only the numbers I see. I can't understand how to take this number of clan version, to give it correctly. I also searched on the web but I can't find it in the same way. The mistakes that gives me are always the same:
Unable to connect to a repository at url ''

Does anyone know how to get this correct number of Clag Version?
General Hardware Discussion / Re: KVM cross-endian guest on POWER8 / IBM S822L
« Last post by kth5 on November 23, 2024, 08:03:27 am »
Yes, I switched to a 64K page size kernel again and was able to start the VMs, yet no change. Steal time still there :(
Firmware / Re: Troubleshooting sshd openbmc host via port 2200 after upgrading to 2.0
« Last post by amock on November 23, 2024, 12:48:46 am »
Is there any update on this?  I updated my firmware and this is quite the downgrade.
General Hardware Discussion / Re: KVM cross-endian guest on POWER8 / IBM S822L
« Last post by sharkcz on November 22, 2024, 03:16:54 am »
My guess would be there is something wrong with the VM config, like 4K vs 64k page size (we are 64k only), minimum CPU level in the kernel, things like that.
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