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Messages - Hasturtium

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User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 26, 2022, 08:35:01 am »
I opened a ticket with Raptor, who reached out last night and indicated that my problems mirror an issue encountered with more new Blackbirds than my own. Quote:

“Quick question -- have you been able to access the network from the installed OS or is that also broken? We're tracking down a potential issue with the new Blackbird programming line, hence the question -- the symptoms match an older issue we had seen and thought was fixed for the production line.”

Also, I swear I didn’t mean to eat this much of the Void Linux thread on what appears to be a Blackbird-specific issue. If these posts could be moved elsewhere, I’d do it.

edit: a USB wireless networking dongle is working well enough for now… so I’m on a path forward, at least. Thanks.

User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 25, 2022, 05:58:06 pm »
Just tried that, setting arp for the server/Blackbird’s IP address directly to the Blackbird’s MAC address on the MacBook Pro client, and it’s still timing out. As below:

sudo arp -a [the Blackbird MAC address]

edit: Also repeated the client steps for a USB thumb drive install of Ubuntu booting on my Windows machine, following the Talos II Quick Start directions again. That version of SSH is at least polite enough to indicate that it finds no route to the host in a shorter period of time than macOS's timeout. I don't suppose I need to supply it with a specific port...?

User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 25, 2022, 09:47:04 am »
I followed the directions in the link to setup the BMC password for the first time, then used the .42 address to connect. If that’s not the correct IP address, let me know.

User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 25, 2022, 07:44:00 am »
I have tried - it just seems to time out. The BMC isn’t holding onto for the gateway IP. I can set it to any other arbitrary IP, but if I set it to, it resets to either or the last arbitrary IP I set. I’d like to not have to put in a support ticket, but we will see.

User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 25, 2022, 06:13:52 am »
It’s version 2.00, so this shouldn’t apply…

User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 24, 2022, 10:42:40 pm »
I have been beating my head against these instructions, using an ethernet adapter for my 2015 MacBook Pro and the default mac install of ssh:

Both systems are disconnected from any means of internet connection except the crossover ethernet cable connecting the Mac directly to the BMC-shared ethernet port on the Blackbird. The Blackbird does not want to hold on to the provided gateway IP address, dropping it after a few seconds and ipmitool reporting a gateway IP of I've tried other arbitrary gateway IPs which ipmitool indicates are held, but after using ifconfig to manually set the IP and netmask for the Mac's en3 interface, ssh reliably times out trying to connect to Also no luck trying to visit with any web browser installed in the system.

What am I missing?

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: News?
« on: July 24, 2022, 02:59:29 pm »
Deleted - don’t want to clutter the thread with off-topic stuff, but if anybody can lend insight on why I can’t get date and hwclock to agree, I’d be grateful. Thread here:,7.msg3065.html#msg3065

User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 24, 2022, 02:39:49 pm »
You have to set the correct time / date.

I’ve been trying, but whether I use date within the skiroot shell to set the date or within Void itself, it doesn’t seem to stick. Forgive me, I’m new to this - can you show me how?

edit: to clarify, date appears to update correctly, but hwclock remains firmly convinced that it is June 8th, and nothing I’ve been able to do disabuses it of the notion. I’ve tried syncing the system time to the hardware clock so they’re at least both wrong to the same extent, but networking still doesn’t work

edit the second: I skipped connecting to the BMC initially, which is where I’m supposed to initially set the date. D’oh. I’ll take care of that this week and pray until then.

User Zone / Re: Void Linux thread
« on: July 23, 2022, 05:57:07 pm »
Hey, I know this is an old thread but thought this would be a valuable place to post. I just setup my Blackbird and installed the most current ISO of Void, but I can’t get networking to work. lspci dutifully lists all three Ethernet controllers, but Void’s network manager does not seem to enumerate any of them. I’m unfortunately new to Void and not used to running any traps on it, and would appreciate any pointers!

GPU Compute / Accelerators / Re: GPU options as of December 2021
« on: July 18, 2022, 07:38:03 am »
So Hell froze over and it looks like Nvidia are switching over to MIT/GPL licensed kernel drivers. Does this do anything for Turing family support?

Given past experience I really doubt it. I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

Intel, on the other hand, has been a reliably good citizen for open source graphics. Their devs have also made some comments about taking steps to ensure their cards will work on non-x86 machines. I’m much more cautiously optimistic there - maybe we’ll even get drivers that don’t require compiling with 4K kernel pages to reliably work.

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: News?
« on: July 12, 2022, 11:50:06 am »
That's fantastic! When did you place an order for one? Hopefully my order will be filled as well; I placed mine almost a year and a half ago

I placed mine in late September of last year. Cross your fingers.

edit: Got an email this evening confirming shipment, with a tracking number. What a weekend for me to go out of town... but next week I'm free to set it up!

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: News?
« on: July 11, 2022, 12:29:51 pm »
I discussed the state of my Raptor order last week and was told they’d received a shipment of Blackbirds and would resume shipping shortly. I was even told that they would be able to ship mine out within a week, though I haven’t gotten a shipment update or tracking number yet. I really hope that info was accurate.

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: News?
« on: June 09, 2022, 08:27:49 pm »
Still hoping for news about Blackbird stocks - I asked on Twitter late last week and there hasn’t been a peep. I realize the supply chain is borked, but it’s been more than eight months since I placed my order.

User Zone / Re: Calling for gaming experiences
« on: April 14, 2022, 10:25:23 pm »
Any word on D2X-XL or DXX-Rebirth for old school Descent? Also keen to see about GZDoom - I know AsmJit hasn't been ported, but the game isn't that hard to run... I'd like to think Power9 would be just fine with the GL/Vulkan renderer enabled.

Mod Zone / Re: Convert an IBM System X3200 M3 case to be ATX compliant
« on: February 11, 2022, 09:02:42 am »
The IBM System X3200 M3 workstation is 90% compatible with ATX motherboard.

I was fortunate to get one for $20 AUD. The modifications are:

* I/O plate trim down to fit the ATX I/O plate (it is not perfect, there is a small gap)
* USB front panel hub
* LEDs front panel
* PSU replacement


Wow, that's really nice. I like how well USB3 blue complements the Power9 case sticker too. Classic's right, that stock PSU is hilariously awful, especially for anything with such beefy (deafening) cooling. If I could find another non-x86 motherboard I'd love to make it live in the husk of an old white Aptiva. Time will tell on that one.

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