Zoom has
test site at https://zoom.us/testIt always gives an error "Your browser does not support using the computer's audio device"
Looking at the JavaScript web console, there are some messages like this
Uncaught TypeError: i.a.sendSocket is not a function
O https://st1.zoom.us/web_client/6sh2md/js/webclient.min.js:1
h https://st1.zoom.us/web_client/6sh2md/js/webclient.min.js:1
Lodash 3
One person suggested
bugs with slow download of resources but I'm on gigabit fibre. An x86 laptop on the same fibre connection does not give the problem. This issue could be a red herring.
Both laptop and Talos II are running Firefox 78.7 ESR
One difference I notice: the Talos II always shows the captcha, the laptop always bypasses the captcha
Does anybody have any insights into this or workarounds?
Will a newer Firefox build fix it?