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Messages - pocock

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The download here is working for me, this is a newer version in beta:

I'm using it with the autotools and C++ plugins.

Even on VoidLinux the package is listed as unavailable. So I guess, it's a bigger issue.

You can still download it directly from the Eclipse site using the link I provided above.

It does not work for me too.

Which Linux and Java version?


I took the download of Eclipse for ppc64el and tried it on my system.

It crashes at startup, I opened a bug report with full details, download link, stack trace

Does it work for anybody else?

To test it:

Code: [Select]
mkdir ~/eclipse-test
cd ~/eclipse-test
wget ''
tar xzf eclipse-SDK-4.19-linux-gtk-ppc64le.tar.gz

General Discussion / Re: AMD RX 6900 XT from Sapphire NITRO [WIP]
« on: March 15, 2021, 04:12:38 am »

Are you using Xorg or Wayland?

It is a good idea to try with both

Have you contacted the amdgpu developers to make a bug report?

General Discussion / Re: AMD RX 6900 XT from Sapphire NITRO [WIP]
« on: March 09, 2021, 07:51:38 am »

As you are using the latest Fedora I suspect you have the latest dependencies, nonetheless, can you confirm you checked the version of:

amd firmware (maybe take directly from Git and copy into your system /lib directory)


Xorg or Wayland?  Try both

Maybe we need to develop a small reporting script that people can use to build a comprehensive report of each GPU test, all dependency versions, checksums, logs, key config values, kernel config, etc


It looks like retailers are building combined Ryzen + RX 6800 XT systems with OEM parts and you have to buy the whole system instead of buying the GPU alone.

Has anybody else noticed this trend or been able to get the GPU standalone for a POWER9 system?

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: News?
« on: March 06, 2021, 11:21:40 am »
When the new Blackbird is available I'll be happy to update my blog about it

I suspect each user has different priorities:

- for some users the GPU width is the biggest issue

- for other users the CPU core limit is the biggest issue

I suspect fewer people will be worried about the 2 memory channel issue but as part of the overall picture, it swayed me towards the bigger boards.

There is at least one support request open with Zoom about this.

Can anybody else confirm either you have the problem too, or it works fine on your system?

Please also share the Firefox build (e.g. Debian, Fedora, version number, ...)

I think it is good to have both options too, I'm not anti-64k by any means

On the other hand, the reality is that most developers in the Linux world, developers of device drivers and GPU manufacturers are only testing their products on systems with a 4k page size.  If the developers at AMD and NVIDIA include some ppc64le hardware in their test routines before a release then they are unlikely to release code that completely fails, as is the case right now.

In some cases, I think the build script (e.g. a configure script or Makefile) might call a function like "getconf(PAGESIZE)" and it saves the result

This is not good behavior but I think there are some packages like this but not very many

Thanks, even if you can offer hints for other people to debug it would be very welcome

Personally, I'm curious about the possibilities with 64k but I think the platform will get more momentum with 4k over the next 2-3 years.  Any way to offer both would be good.

Notice that:

a) 4k kernel needs to be in the installer ISO image, if you build a kernel with Copr, you need to build an installer image too

b) all packages need to be recompiled using the 4k kernel, although I suspect less than 1% of packages will be sensitive to page size, doing a full rebuild is the only way to be sure

If anybody can add details to the thread in Fedora devel that is the best place to discuss it now

Applications and Porting / Zoom - errors about audio, video not supported
« on: February 16, 2021, 04:21:51 pm »

Zoom has test site at

It always gives an error "Your browser does not support using the computer's audio device"

Looking at the JavaScript web console, there are some messages like this

Code: [Select]
Uncaught TypeError: i.a.sendSocket is not a function
    Lodash 3

One person suggested bugs with slow download of resources but I'm on gigabit fibre.  An x86 laptop on the same fibre connection does not give the problem.  This issue could be a red herring.

Both laptop and Talos II are running Firefox 78.7 ESR

One difference I notice: the Talos II always shows the captcha, the laptop always bypasses the captcha

Does anybody have any insights into this or workarounds?

Will a newer Firefox build fix it?

I'm interested in getting funding for projects on ppc64le and as part of that, I'd be happy to budget for a lab machine and make it available publicly.  Sometimes I would be testing different operating systems or kernels so it wouldn't be available continuously.

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