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Messages - carlosgonz

Pages: [1]
Applications and Porting / Re: Chromium for Ubuntu
« on: November 24, 2024, 06:23:35 pm »
I am  using Netsurf plus duckduckgo-htmlsearch because native libre firmware on gles1.

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: Debian 12 status?
« on: October 29, 2024, 02:46:20 pm »
I prefer 64K than 4K. I am using 64K on GnuTrisquel  11 GnuLinux (Libre) v6.11 and all wonderful. I think that PPC deserve 64K. Also it is shame for Debian being friendly with blobs propietary all this is happen because Evil Fedora.
Also i am worried  that pocock it selling all ppc machines. = (

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: Debian 12 status?
« on: October 27, 2024, 10:20:01 pm »
In order to work 4K from 64K o.s it need recompile Gnu Packages most Mesa.

Firmware / Re: Idenitfy versions of firmwares
« on: October 21, 2024, 09:03:44 pm »
I have Blackbird Pnor v2.10 from v2.0, however your BMC/PNOR v2.7 looks like  a devel version from where else.
When i first started with my Blackbird i was lost, i didnt know where to start, as PowerPC is different with X86, 2 years later having my Blackbird and investing tons of time in PowerPC knowledge, now my Blackbird works like a Charm and i dont plans to go back to x86.

 Kudos for Raptor! Special Thanks to Raptor Engineering!

Blackbird / Re: Potential Aspeed slow failure?
« on: September 03, 2024, 12:25:30 pm »
Thats is a known bug on old Gnu Linux version in BMC, so i not remember well which Gnu Linux version it fixed, but it is. I hope Raptor team release a new BMC version with newer Gnu Linux version like v6.0+


Firmware / Re: Firmware 2.10 for Talos-II and Blackbird available
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:32:01 pm »
Have you Jumped the ASPEED GPU?

This is an Awesome  news! and a Real Dream to have a Fully Free Software OS in Power9!

My wishes it is ReversingEngineering or Hack the 2 Blobs for IBM Power 10 or wait to Power 11 to see what is going on to Condor.
Other wishes to Condor it is Built-in  Kestrel and FSF RYF.

Hello i am a new Raptor user.
ClassicHasClass: I read somewhere that Wayland issues and ASPEED 1080p going be fixed in linux 6.3.

Pages: [1]