Water Cooler > General OpenPOWER Discussion

POWER11 on the horizon?

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I see it similarly. However, I could become weak if the new system has certain advantages and is offered at a favorable price. There are a lot of things that could be improved on the current system.


--- Quote from: MauryG5 on October 20, 2023, 04:09:35 pm ---In my opinion it is more convenient to wait for Power 11, at least as far as I'm concerned, at the moment I don't need to advance so I'm perfect with Power 9
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I find that performance is still adequate for my needs. At this point, an upgrade would just be to get shorter IPL and boot times and maybe suspend to RAM.

--- Quote ---and then apparently there is more possibility that 11 will be completely open as Raptor wants. The only thing I hope is that at least after all the money spent on research and development for 2 nanometers, they can use it with Power 11!

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I'm prepared to ride out Power9 for years if it's successor are never properly reopened.

I suspect you're not the only one in that boat.

I'm fine with my eight core Power9. The only other desktop I'm plotting is a baseline Mac Studio for video editing and multimedia use.

Me too, actually. I still have an i5-13600KF, 6700, Win11 for gaming, a MBP M1 and a Mac mini (2009) with MacOS Monterey.


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