I have the following equipment
I'm trying to connect the various components, get Debian installed so I can start virtualize some workloads (mostly for development and testing). There seems to be a disconnect between the Supermicro chassis documentation and that of the motherboard, especially how cables are connected from chassis.
A couple of questions:
- The backplane SAS-836EL1 comes with an 16 port extender. If I connect it to the HBA, would it be sufficient for the 16 drives?
- Which cable is used to connect the HBA to the backplane? From the backplane documentation, I'm gathering a SFF-8484 is required but the HBA specification states it has 2 Mini-SAS HD SFF8643 internal connectors. I'm a bit lost.
- I'm trying to figure out which backplane cables need to go where. See attached picture. I'm not seeing any codes on them and thus can't figure out which cable they are. I have not removed the backplane from the chassis.
- I'm trying to figure out which power supply cable should be connected where on the motherboard (to be done last).
Are there any videos of folks doing a build or going through the process step by step? I really which Raptor Computing Systems can be a bit more proactive, like doing videos similar to the Dell videos, in particular with Supermicro chassis since they claim some compatibility.