Author Topic: [GAME] Attempt to compile Unreal Tournament 4 on Linux ppc64le - in progress  (Read 5197 times)


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Unreal Tournament 4 is one great game by EPIC GAME which was developed in crowd sourcing model.

The game development was ceased indefinitely however the community has been keeping it going a bit further out of the official EPIC GAME git repo.

I am not a big fan of this game however I am very curious on getting it compiled and run under vulkan mode to test out my AMD Radeon Vega 64 card.

I have been following the guide by Raptor CS If I understand the context of that guide correctly, Raptor Engineering's Timothy added support for PowerPC by forking from a community fork which added support for Unreal Engine 4.20.

The first hurdle is to build Unreal Engine 4.20 on my Fedora 32 (rawhide) by following instructions on the

I have got to the steps of compiling libdwarf:

Code: [Select]
cd Engine/Source/ThirdParty/elftoolchain/build/Linux/libdwarf

The source code does not include the `build_native` script. I think Timothy forgot to push that script to the repo OR there might be a missing step to generate that script which was not documented.
Either way, I am trying to unblock myself from this issue by learning the similar script for libelf to see if I could replicate for libdwarf.

Wish me luck
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 10:56:17 pm by tle »
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Re: Attempt to compile Unreal Tournament 4 on Linux ppc64le - in progress
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2020, 05:20:58 am »
hello, congratulations very good at trying to compile a game for Power with that graphics engine.  I know that an unrial engine 4 exists as a graphics engine for Power, I saw some videos on YouTube, if I'm not mistaken you could see some demos that ran on TalosII ... It would be nice also to see how Power behaves with this graphics engine, compared to X86,  what differences there are ... I think that optimizing as it should, with the capabilities of Power and its Risc architecture as well as the two vector and altivec units, it can beat the counterpart without problems ...