The BMC of by Blackbird has gotten stuck during its boot process a couple of times lately, and I'm hoping that folks here can suggest ways to get more information about what's causing the problem.
The first time it got stuck, I disconnected power from the PSU for about a minute and, after reconnecting power, the BMC booted normally. The second time it got stuck, however, I disconnected power overnight, but it still wouldn't boot the next day—the Status LEDs just kept looping a green-blue-green–green-blue-green pattern. I left it powered off for five days, and then it finally booted.
I cannot connect to the BMC via SSH or HTTP/S when it gets stuck like this, so that means I'll have to connect to the Blackbird's internal COM2 header, but I'd have to get the correct cable.
According to the
Talos II wiki, it requires an DTK/Intel cable. Does the Blackbird require this kind of cable as well? It probably does, but I'd like to check.
Are there any other troubleshooting steps that I can try?