Author Topic: Messing with WOF Tables  (Read 11743 times)


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Messing with WOF Tables
« on: October 06, 2022, 08:44:59 pm »
tl;dr I bought an unsupported CPU, which was mostly ok, and I tweaked some firmware to make it work properly

This will be a bit of a narrative, documenting it in case anyone else is ever in the same situation:

I saw an astonishingly cheap used POWER9 CPU on ebay and knew it was finally time to buy a Raptor Blackbird.  Specifically, I now have a 02CY231, which is a 16 core, 160W part (not one of the chips that Raptor sells).  I figured since the Blackbird is rated for 160W it should be fine, and it does work out of the box, except it would only hit 90W, which I assume leaves a lot of performance on the table (for the record, I believe my BB shipped with 2.00 firmware).  I spotted a section in the boot log like this:

Code: [Select]
  4.96605|Error reported by fapi2 (0x3300) EID 0x90000566
  4.98696|  No WOF table match found
  4.98697|  ModuleId   0x10 fapi2::MOD_FAPI2_PLAT_PARSE_WOF_TABLES
  4.98698|  ReasonCode 0x332d fapi2::RC_WOF_TABLE_NOT_FOUND
  4.98699|  UserData1  Number of cores : 0x00100002000000a0
  4.98700|  UserData2  WOF Power Mode (1=Nominal, 2=Turbo) : 0x000009c400000012
  4.98701|  Callout type             : Procedure Callout
  4.98702|  Procedure                : EPUB_PRC_HB_CODE
  4.98702|  Priority                 : SRCI_PRIORITY_HIGH
  4.98704|  Callout type             : Hardware Callout
  4.98705|  Target                   : Physical:/Sys0/Node0/Proc0
  4.98706|  Deconfig State           : NO_DECONFIG
  4.98706|  GARD Error Type          : GARD_NULL
  4.98707|  Priority                 : SRCI_PRIORITY_MED

Ok, seems suspicious, but what's a WOF table? Apparently, it's a CSV file, containing specifications of frequencies and voltages to manage the CPU, which gets compiled into the PNOR image (they're named something like "WOF_V7_4_2_SFORZA_16_160_2500_TM.csv").  What's PNOR?  Early stage bootloader flash.  Fortunately(?) this is all open source and can in theory be modified to support my CPU, so I've been messing with this every evening this week.  Gotta love a long day at work messing with build systems followed by a long evening of messing with build systems.

The instructions on the wiki to build the firmware are basically solid, just replace "talos" with "blackbird" in the obvious places.  One gotcha is that you definitely want to compile on an older distro, I ran Ubuntu 18.04 in a VM to do this.  The other gotcha I ran into was this one (,241.0.html ) but as far as I can tell, you don't need to modify OpenBMC if you're just tweaking the WOF tables in the PNOR.

Anyway, I got the firmware building.  I dug around in the files it downloads and found a Raptor repository called "blackbird-xml" which contains the WOF tables; sure enough, it didn't contain any for a 16 core 160W chip.  I searched around and did find a repository on github ( ) with a bunch more, so I made a copy of "blackbird-xml" and added all the new WOF tables.  I changed the address of the repository in "" to point towards mine, and added the commit hash for my changes to the "blackbird_defconfig" file.  I built and got a new error, like this:

Code: [Select]
ERROR: PnorUtils::checkSpaceConstraints: Image provided (/home/cy384/blackbird-op-build/output/host/powerpc64le-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/openpower_pnor_scratch//wofdata.bin.ecc) has size (6285312) which is greater than allocated space (3145728) for section=WOFDATA.  Aborting! at /home/cy384/blackbird-op-build/output/host/powerpc64le-buildroot-linux-gnu/sysroot/hostboot_build_images/ line 462.

I assume there's either a hard limit, or configured limit, on the size of the WOF table data in the PNOR, so I deleted all the WOF tables I didn't care about from my repository, updated the commit hash again, and it built successfully.

I followed the instructions on the wiki page to test out the new PNOR, and my BB booted without the WOF table error!  I did some load testing and sensors does report power usage near 160W, so I'm calling this a success.  The voltage regulators do get really spicy very quick, but that's a subject for another post.


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2022, 10:29:01 am »
Great! It's a pity that there is no more user-friendly way to edit the WOF tables. This also applies to the fan curves.


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2022, 01:10:40 pm »
Possibly indeed your problem seems to stem from the fact that currently this Power9 model is not in the list of those directly supported by Raptor. In fact I did not know this particular 16 core model, I remembered that there is a 12 core model and then the classic 18 and 22 but I did not know anything about this 16. You can try to ask Raptor in any case if you still have problems, possibly they can tell you what you need to correct to make it work fully.


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2022, 01:19:54 pm »
Can you read out the processor frequencies and tell if it is boosting properly?    Do you see ~160W when at idle?   What about when running max threads off some heavy workload (e.g. Mersenne primes is a good one)?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2022, 01:22:53 pm by ejfluhr »


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2022, 01:55:37 pm »
Too bad this isn't publicly available:

Digital droop sensors with core throttling mitigate microprocessor voltage droops and enable a voltage control loop (undervolting) to offset loadline uplift plus noise effects, protecting reliability VDDMAX.  These combine with a runtime algorithm for Workload Optimized Frequency (WOF) that deterministically maximizes core frequency.  The combined effect is demonstrated across a range of workloads including SPECTM , and provides up to a 15% frequency boost and a 10% reduction in core voltage.


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2022, 02:53:44 pm »
Can you read out the processor frequencies and tell if it is boosting properly?    Do you see ~160W when at idle?   What about when running max threads off some heavy workload (e.g. Mersenne primes is a good one)?

I haven't looked closely at the frequencies, it idles around 30W and only approaches 160W under heavy load.


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2022, 05:58:39 pm »
I copied that table CSV from GIT and filtered it to generate plots of frequency versus "CORE_CEFF" for a couple of different "VRATIO" values.
This link declares:

     Power ~= VDD2 x Fclk x Ceff
     where the effective switched capacitance, Ceff, is commonly expressed as the product of the physical capacitance CL, and the activity weighting factor α, each averaged over the N nodes.

I don't know how you can identify what "CORE_CEFF" is in your processor, but the equation shows how that correlates to power.  I.e. smaller Ceff equals lower power.
Then the plot looks meaningful since the lowest frequency is at the highest CORE_CEFF and the frequency climbs as CORE_CEFF gets smaller, up to some limit.
Since the largest value of CORE_CEFF in the table is 1.0, that would be the highest power condition presumably associated with the 160W power rating of the table/processor.

I could not figure out how to post an image of the graphs, nor will the forum let me post the XLSX file with base data plus graphing tab, since it is too big.   So I deleted a bunch of rows from the base data that had "NEST_CEFF" > 0.25.   This let me shrink the XLSX file enough to post it.   

The first tab is the CSV data as posted.  The second tab "Plotme" is a filter + graph that can be manipulated by the red-colored cells; one variable showing a big difference is the VRATIO which can be modified by adjusting the VRATIO_INDEX box in integer values from 0 to 23 (the table has entries for all of those).  The other 2 tabs are copies of the Plotme tab with just the values & graphs at VRATIO=1.0 and VRATIO=0.7498; this let me save and review them side-by-side.   You could probably get fancy and plot all the variations on a single graph but I didn't care to go that far.

I picked VRATIO=1.0 and VRATIO=0.7948 because the maximum frequency changes substantially between all those values, starting at 3.4GHz and climbing to 3.8GHz.  You can play with the VRATIO_INDEX in the Plotme tab and see how the frequency curve continues to increase at different CORE_CEFF values, though always capped to that 3.8GHz. 

Raptor quotes the 190W 18-Core CPU as:  2.8GHz - 3.8GHz, so presumably you now have a 160W 16-Core CPU  of 2.5GHz - 3.8GHz.
   IBM POWER9 v2 CPU (18-Core)
       18 cores per package
           2.8GHz base / 3.8GHz turbo (WoF)
           190W TDP

User @deepblue was running an 18-Core CPU on a Blackbird mainboard, though with extra cooling:,99.0.html
Hopefully you will find out if, long term, the Blackbird can handle a 16-core P9 when it matches the TDP of the supported 8-core version.

Nice work!   Please report back in a few months....

« Last Edit: October 07, 2022, 06:03:54 pm by ejfluhr »


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2022, 11:21:05 pm »
Just wanted to say, big fan of ssheven.

Nice work on getting it ramped up, though you've already found out that the vregs on the Blackbird could get marginal with high load. Basically you have the 8-core that Raptor sells but with the paired cores still on (the 8-core they sell, two of which are in this T2, is more or less the same 16-core you have there with the paired cores fused off). Like ejfluhr, I'll be interested to hear how it works out long term with the components; my Blackbird is a little 4-core.


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2022, 05:58:15 pm »
>Basically you have the 8-core that Raptor sells but with the paired cores still on

What a neat observation!   Something to consider is that 160W at 2.5GHz is probably achieved at much lower VDD than the 8c 160W at 3.45GHz (

P=IxV  =>  160W = I_3.45 x V_3.45 = I_2.5 x V_2.5

If voltage moves 1:1 with frequency (I don't know if it does, could be 1:2 or 2:1, but got to start somewhere), then 3.45GHz/2.5GHz = 1.38x.   So V_3.45 = V_2.5 x 1.38, alternatively V_2.5 = V_3.45 / 1.38.

So if P is constant, and V_2.5 is that much below V_3.45, then I_2.5 has to be increased by 1.38.

This is probably why the Blackbird wiki states:  Other CPUs (CPUs with a TDP greater than 160W) may operate without WoF due to power regulator limitations.

Even without WOF (i.e. at the base of 2.5GHz), you are probably pushing those regulators much harder than the 8c module does.

I couldn't find any information on how much VDD current the Blackbird regulators can support.  In the post by user deepblue, graphs indicate the processor was exceeding VDD load of 130A at 0.89v under some load.    Doing stupid translation to 16c just to see where that lands is (130A / 18c) x 16c ~= 115, presumably lower as the 18c is 190W and the 16c is 160W.   If your temps are running high, then perhaps the regs are only built to support ~100A and you are at or over that spec...


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2025, 07:46:21 pm »
I bought the same CPU and I'm looking at some of the other tables, I wonder if one of the ones for 140 W could be used instead, or the voltage dropped a little and the nest and base frequency dropped a lot. I guess I'll test undervolts when I get the chance, but if I do go too far and don't give the CPU enough power, is there a way to bump it back up to regular voltages?


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2025, 10:59:32 am »
I wouldn't use any of the other ones, but modifying the matching one would be easy enough.  Ultimately, they're just spreadsheets with a bunch of values.

I'm probably dropping mine back down to the defaults anyway.  The extra heat and power usage doesn't seem worth it, especially since the blackbird is so limited on memory bandwidth.


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2025, 06:58:59 pm »
Interesting, and that seems fair enough. Would you say there's a noticeable performance difference before and after, even if it's not enough to make it worthwhile? My case does have a bit more cooling capacity and internal volume so I have a little more headroom on heat, I'll still see how far undervolting gets me.

And yeah, the halved memory bandwidth does kind of hurt, but it seems like it's still on par with 7800X3D and such, so silver linings?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 07:02:18 pm by lepidotos »


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Re: Messing with WOF Tables
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2025, 10:59:58 pm »
I copied that table CSV from GIT and filtered it to generate plots of frequency versus "CORE_CEFF" for a couple of different "VRATIO" values.
This link declares:

     Power ~= VDD2 x Fclk x Ceff
     where the effective switched capacitance, Ceff, is commonly expressed as the product of the physical capacitance CL, and the activity weighting factor α, each averaged over the N nodes.

That link doesn't seem to work, do you happen to still know how to navigate to it or know the name of the paper. I tried looking on using the number in the link, but I don't think that's a complete DOI number.

Trying to follow along and I'm not certain what most of the abbreviations mean, so the column titles are a bit nonsense. Fratio ... Frequency ratio? But ratio of what to what? And

But I did reproduce the graph in python, which should make it a bit easier to iteratively view a bunch of plots:

Code: [Select]
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
wof = pd.read_csv('WOF_V7_4_2_SFORZA_16_160_2500_TM.csv')
print("Unique Vratio indexes are: ", wof['VRATIO_INDEX'].unique())

# filter the table down to a plotable slice
def plotme(wf, vratio_index, nest_ceff=0.25, active_quads=6, fratio=1, plotit=True):
    vratio = wf['VRATIO_START'][0] + vratio_index * wf['VRATIO_STEP'][0]
          (wf['FRATIO'] == fratio) &
          (wf['ACTIVE_QUADS']==active_quads) &
          (wf['NEST_CEFF']==nest_ceff) &
          (wf['VRATIO_INDEX']==vratio_index) &
            title=f'Fratio={fratio}, Vratio={vratio}, ACTIVE_QUADS={active_quads}, NEST_CEFF={nest_ceff}')
    # blocks the thread. If you don't call it, you can render several plots in the background and them at once all later
    if plotit:

plotme(wof, 12)

this works well pasted into an ipython prompt. I see most values for Vratio_index just plot a flat line, 12 and a couple of values near 12 make a nice graph. But why 12? And somewhat surprisingly changing the number of active quads doesn't seem to have any effect. Also what defines a quad as active? Simply that it's not powergated and completely off or does "active" mean high load?

And I think the number 1 question is "how does one know which CSV gets selected for a given CPU"?

Plotting all Vratio values as a 3d surface plot is interesting:

Code: [Select]
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

def plotsurf(wf, file="", nest_ceff=0.25, active_quads=6, fratio=1, showplot=True):
    # the VRATIO_START column is always the same value, as far as I've noticed
    wf['VRATIO'] += wf['VRATIO_START'] + wf['VRATIO_INDEX'] * wf['VRATIO_STEP']
          (wf['FRATIO'] == fratio) &
          (wf['ACTIVE_QUADS']==active_quads) &

    ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(projection='3d')
    ax.plot_trisurf(wf['CORE_CEFF'], wf['VRATIO'], wf['WOF_FREQ'], cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0.2)
    ax.set_title(f'{file}\nFratio={fratio}, ACTIVE_QUADS={active_quads}, NEST_CEFF={nest_ceff}')
    ax.view_init(15, 60, 0)
    if showplot:
    return ax   

and I see from the file in hostboot where the error is generated that

Code: [Select]
  4.98699|  UserData1  Number of cores : 0x00100002000000a0
  4.98700|  UserData2  WOF Power Mode (1=Nominal, 2=Turbo) : 0x000009c400000012

means 12core, "mode=2" (turbo?) 160w, 2500MHz, with header().size=12. Looking at the SFORZA list, that's a 1800-2500MHz part with 3.8GHz turbo. Intuitively it' makes sense that table matches that CPU. But, also looking at the SFORZA list, every CPU on the list supports turbo mode to at least 3.8GHz, sometimes 4.1GHz.

So why are so many of the tables suffixed with _NM.csv? There's a WOF_V7_4_2_SFORZA_16_140_2200_NM.csv, but I don't see any 140w 16core SFORZAs on the list. And plotting it the same as the other, it still goes to 3.8GHz despite the "2200MHz normal mode" file label.  ???
« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 11:28:41 pm by bobpaul »