Author Topic: FFMPEG  (Read 3710 times)


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« on: July 09, 2022, 12:24:41 pm »
 This is what I noticed using ffmpeg on the 16 core Talos II and on a 9 year old x86 4core something or other.

I used ffmpeg first on the x86 and the file I was converting took 34+ minutes to do the work. Then I put the same file on the Talos II and, surprize surprize, it only took 34+ minutes. HUH?

I then went thru the same proceedure on both computers and this time I pulled up the system monitors. the x86 was using all 4 cores, while over on the Talos II only one core was being used with all of it's 4 slices cooking away.

Also, on the TalosII, every time I do this the cpu fan for chip0 cranks up very high. Checking with ipmitool shows that cpu0 getting up to 57 degrees and of course the other cores in that chip are hotter than usual. Whereas chip 1 is running still around 35-37 degrees as they are not doing anything.

You would think the 16 cores would destroy the 4 core x86 in a race to the finish. Is it the ffmpeg program where the brakes are dragging ?. Or is it that ffmpeg was simply dragged over from x86 and not tuned to POWER 9?

I wonder the speed of this is down at OakRridge ?

I am running the Talos II on the Aspeed VGA and wonder if having a GPU card would improve performance?

( I might give that a try)

Check this from @MauryG5,364.msg2939.html#msg2939
« Last Edit: July 09, 2022, 12:26:46 pm by xilinder »
Talos II 2x8, 32GB RAM, onboard Microsemi RAID,  AMD WX7100, J.Micron SATA/PATA PCIe adapter. Debian with Mate.


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« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2022, 02:32:14 pm »
You could ask markos on the Talos IRC. He did some optimisations on FFmpeg awhile ago.

The last commit was in 2015. Pre-POWER9 area.
This is his website:

For benchmarking, you could also use Phoronix Test Suite. Two POWER9 are on that list.

FFmpeg isn't optimised. There is no Multi-Million Dollar company doing this and IBM doesn't need FFmpeg.

At least there is a bounty open:

Maybe one day someone will take it. But yeah, I would ask markos.


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« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2022, 04:45:47 pm »

I had some communication with one of the developers who contributed a patch for one of these bounties

He said he did not receive payment

I feel very uncomfortable using ffmpeg if people have not been paid for their work

Personally, I found the unit tests did not pass, this implies that some more work may be necessary before the patch is merged.

On the other hand, if nobody looks at the patch from the developer or the feedback from other users then it is very unfair to the person who did the work.
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« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2022, 06:59:13 pm »
He said he did not receive payment

Yeah, this is not the first time, sadly.


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« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2022, 04:37:13 pm »

Maybe some of the other users can get together and crowdfund this bounty so the developer can feed his family.

We can impersonate IBM and pay $50 each in IBM's place

If we pay IBM's bills for them, will they accuse us of violating their trademark?
Debian Developer