Author Topic: Fedora custom kernel does not install  (Read 5345 times)


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Fedora custom kernel does not install
« on: February 02, 2021, 03:25:23 pm »
Hi everyone, I mentioned a few days ago that I have problems installing the custom kernel on Fedora and at first glance it seems that you don't understand what happens. So I thought about creating a dedicated discussion because apparently I'm not the only one to have this problem and talking with our Evan Meklort who is one of the most prepared on the Power and Linux world in general, he pointed out that it has been opened a bug report in the RedHat channels where they describe the same problem I have as soon as the "make install" command is run! I don't understand what they mean but it seems that the problem is caused by a file called Dracut and which actually has in a line of its code, the very message that then comes out when I try to install the Kernel just done. Evan told me that he wanted to check for himself but he still hasn't given me an answer, do any of you know about this situation or understand better than me what is going on? I am sending you the link of the bug report to find out if you can better understand what it is ...


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Re: Fedora custom kernel does not install
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2021, 03:38:18 pm »
For my friend TLE, here's the screenshot of the kernel directory just compiled, I can't install it because I can't find the right syntax of the command...


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Re: Fedora custom kernel does not install
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2021, 11:57:53 am »
Thanks to the help of the good TLE, I was finally able to compile and install a custom Kernel on Fedora. I had to install several new libraries and files to make this Kernel work, but at the end it seems that I succeeded. I used the wiki procedure since the universal one I could not make it work at the moment, the Kernel is still new and unripe, for sure it needs some testing but in any case, apart from a few interruptions of some processes, it seems to work pretty well. At this point I'd like to understand if it's possible to compile and install a stable version and not necessarily a new last version still under test. Downloading the sources according to the official procedure in fact, always tends to take the latest version...