Sorry JollyRoger; not so much a shipmate yet, as an x86 landlubber who dreams of the open sea, but has only gone as far as exploring the wreck of G4 dinghy found beached on the shore.

Howdy! Glad to see the party move outside of Twitter.
I do hope more people will be signing on here. I only stumbled on the link on Twitter, where I seldom visit.
Outside of Twitter, there is an official OpenPOWER (and PPC) community mailing list, though it sees little activity, discussion in a Level1Techs thread (hi q66), including a post about this very same topic of people/discussions being scattered across different platforms,, if I read the sidebar correctly, ClassicHasClass’s Talospace blog is willing to take guest posts too, right? So it, with its comments sections, can be a watering hole of sorts as well,
Maybe there should probably be a dedicated community page on the RCS Wiki, rather than just linking to a few places in the main page’s footer? Sorry if that everyone already knew about those, just writing my silly ahoy response and leaving it at that felt a bit empty.