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Messages - DKnoto

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GPU Compute / Accelerators / Re: AMD GPU at boot
« on: July 30, 2022, 06:53:43 am »
Apache NetBeans 14 works good. I tested it on AlmaLinux 9 nad Fedora 36.

Talos II / Re: Indium pads required for 18-core CPU on Talos II Lite?
« on: July 29, 2022, 05:59:05 pm »
I bought my Talos II with Power 9/18c from Vikings and did not get an indium pad either. To the same question I got the answer that thermal paste was enough. I applied it and it works without any problems.

I did initial tests of what I care about and it is not so tragic ;)
FDM 2D 512x512

I have tried several times to install FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT powerpc64 BE on my Talos II,
unfortunately without a positive ending. I have tried several versions 220617, 220701, 220708
and each time the system installed without error messages but Petitboot did not see the system.
Yesterday I tried the 220715 version and also did not have success. So I decided to take a closer
look at it and found that the installer incorrectly fills /boot/etc/kboot.conf:

Code: [Select]
='/kernel/kernel kernelname=/boot/kernel/kernel vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/nda0p2'

After changing the entry to the following:

Code: [Select]
FreeBSD='/kernel/kernel kernelname=/boot/kernel/kernel vfs.root.mountfrom=ufs:/dev/nda0p2'

I made the changes manually from the Petitbnoot shell. Just keep in mind that Petitboot mounts
read-only /boot by default. You have to unmount it and mount it with write permission. After the fix,
vi is helpful here, you need to unmount the partition and re-mount it read-only. Without this last
step and after direct loading of the system, the changes will not be saved. You have to repeat
them from the system level.

One final note about ZFS, by default FreeBSD on ppc64 does not support this filesystem. This
is due to Petitboot limitations. You have to compile the system yourself. The recipe can be found
here "FreeBSD/powerpc64 (POWER9) with ZFS on /".

Currently my Talos II is compiling the kernel on a single core since yesterday. I did it consciously
to have a benchmark  ;)

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: Forum signature size.
« on: July 17, 2022, 02:00:20 am »
I will check the link and the image.

Do you mind if I add your NZXT case shots to the Gallery?

Of course. I have nothing against.

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Forum signature size.
« on: July 16, 2022, 05:58:11 am »
Can you change the size of the signature from 300 to 1024 characters? Manipulating the colors of characters quickly exhausts this limit ;-)

Additionally, must remember to manually remove old kernels. The update script doesn't work in this regard either and the /boot directory gets clogged up quickly.

AlmaLinux 9 has the same problem. After manually updating the configuration of grub, you can see all your Linux kernels in the list  ;D

Many thanks to ClassicHasClass, that was it.

I added pictures. What petetiboot sees and what I have in the /boot directory.

Operating Systems and Porting / Fedora 36: Kernel upgrade problem.
« on: July 11, 2022, 02:16:48 pm »
I recently upgraded Fedora 36. DNF showed me that he has installed a new kernel 5.18.10. Unfortunately, petitboot still only sees kernel 5.18.7 after a reboot. Do I have to do anything else special?

I tried the [PPC] /v2.9112.521/2016-06-13 version for Linux but it it doesn't work ;-)

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] AlmaLinux 8.6 is out
« on: July 08, 2022, 04:28:05 pm »
Chimera is in line next. I finished the first attempt with a false start, I mixed up the iso images and the system did not want to start :-)

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] AlmaLinux 8.6 is out
« on: July 08, 2022, 10:03:18 am »
After a month of testing the FreeBSD 13.x /14.0 [BE|LE] on the Talos II, I find it painful that the system is not yet suitable for everyday use. I've installed AlmaLinux 9, it's definitely more convenient, but not perfect.

Talos II / Re: Installing the system on a Samsung 980 Pro SSD 1TB
« on: June 25, 2022, 01:22:07 pm »
Pocock thanks a lot for suggesting it should work. Cause of problems identified.

I conducted three experiments:

a) new ssd without thermal pad and heatsink -> works fine with AlmaLinux and FreeBSD;
b) new ssd with thermal pad and heatsink -> does not work;
c) old ssd without thermal pad and heatsink -> works fine with AlmaLinux and FreeBSD.

The problem is the thermal pad. I have one with a thickness of 2 mm. It is possible that something is short-circuiting or pressing down.

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