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Messages - DKnoto

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Talos II / Re: Talos II reboots itself
« on: December 08, 2023, 01:01:22 am »
I have a power supply with a 10-year warranty ;) Thermaltake Toughpower TF1 1550W.

Talos II / Talos II reboots itself
« on: December 01, 2023, 03:23:34 pm »
Since September I have been having problems with spontaneous reboots of my machine, it has happened four times. Recently it was very annoying, the machine rebooted over and over again without loading the operating system. Only removing the power plug helped.

I managed to take a picture of what the report looks like after such a fall:

Any ideas what could cause this behavior?

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 39 is here!
« on: November 17, 2023, 02:12:55 pm »
Today I finally found some free time and was tempted by Fedora 39. I did the installation in Qemu-7.0.0-15.fc37 on my Talos II. The whole process went through smoothly and took about 10 minutes. The problems only started when I tried to change the resolution. Gnome crashed and nothing could be done. I sent a PowerDown signal from Qemu. Fortunately, the kernel worked and the system shut down correctly. Re-logging in again crashed the system. Again PowerDown worked correctly. On the third try, I changed Wayland (the default) to X11 (my preferred) and Gnome no longer hung. It also allowed to change the resolution to a higher one, unfortunately the max was 1920x1080. I did the upgrade to the current versions of the packages, everything went without the slightest problems. In general, the system runs very smoothly, even the graphics mode in the virtual machine does not cause discomfort in use.

General Discussion / Re: Samsung PRO 980 1TB NVMe is working flawlessly
« on: September 20, 2023, 01:49:22 am »
Looking at the history of kernel performance changes in Fedora 37, I get the impression that no one does performance testing before releasing a kernel. The variability is high. It's a shame that Fedora developers don't see this.


Unfortunately, I also had very big PyCharm problems, it ran terribly slow, and I switched to Apache NetBeans plus

Firmware / Re: Reduce fan speed during boot
« on: June 24, 2023, 03:12:39 am »
I used to be annoyed by the launch noise, too. I solved it in the simplest possible way. I don't turn off my Talos II. Now the machine hums at full load and on reboot after a kernel update.

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: Chimera Linux is entering alpha
« on: June 22, 2023, 04:26:52 am »
At my place GDM on Fedora 37 also starts with Xorg, on Chimera I also have the same thing. Anything wrong with that?

We have different points of view, I last used Debian something around 1995/6. I'm glad I don't have to use it but I wouldn't call it crap ;)
I didn't use Chromium either, for me the most important thing is maximum compatibility with RedHat but also access to the latest software, even at the cost of being a tester.

On Fedora all kernels of the 6.2.x series work, sometimes better, sometimes worse but they work. Recently, even the 6.2.14-200 kernel reached a historical peak in SSD read performance: 6.6 GB/s.

If I were you, I would consider changing the distribution.

Talos II / Re: Unsatisfactory performance of SSD drives
« on: April 16, 2023, 10:54:57 am »
Today on Fedora 37, I upgraded the kernel to version 6.2.10-200. Not a recommendable experience.
This is the slowest kernel since I've been conducting systematic measurements :( . The results in
the linked graph:

Applications and Porting / Re: A set of good old games
« on: April 12, 2023, 01:09:57 am »
It seems that server is dead....

To illustrate the performance differences between Qt and Blend2D, I include four
more screenshots from one of the test applications included with the library:

I've been playing with the Blend2D library for a while now. It is a high performance 2D vector
graphics engine written in C++ and released under the Zlib license
On the x86_64 platform everything compiles and works quite well but on ppc64le it is no
longer so ideal.

What works:
  • single-threaded mode without boosters;
  • multi-threaded mode without boosters but in a limited way.

What doesn't work:

I tested this on my Talos II with POWER9/18c. I downloaded the sources for the library and the bl_bench test program
After downloading the library code and bl_bench, I compiled this program with the following

Code: [Select]
build]$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBLEND2D_DIR=../../Source/ -DBLEND2D_NO_JIT=TRUE -DBLEND2D_NO_STDCXX=false

In single-threaded mode everything works correctly but in for multi-threaded mode you should
run bl_bench with the parameter --quantity=N where N = <1, 15>. For N=16 it sometimes crashes
and for N=17+ it crashes always.

By default multithreaded mode works for 2T and 4T, to add more threads I added the following
piece of code to bl_bench/src/app.cpp in line 359:

Code: [Select]
      Blend2DModule mod(8);
      runModule(mod, params);

      Blend2DModule mod(16);
      runModule(mod, params);

After these modifications, I obtained the following results:
  • bl_bench-gcc-Release-quantity-1000.txt: results for single-threaded mode with default parameters;
  • bl_bench-gcc-Release-quantity-16.txt: results for single- and multi-threaded mode with quantity = 16;

I'm also attaching screenshots showing the performance of selected modes, images can be obtained from
the library's website after entering your own performance measurements using bl_bench.

The conclusion of an incorrigible dreamer:

Haiku on x86 uses the AGG engine and its UI is incredibly responsive, if on ppc64le one had such a Blend2D-based
UI then there would be no complaints about the graphical performance of Gnome or KDE ;-)

Mod Zone / Re: Initial findings running on water cooling
« on: March 28, 2023, 05:22:43 pm »
I was horny about the Dune case but fortunately I held off on the purchase ;-)

Kernel 6.2.8-200 has been working properly for me for almost 16 hours. Unfortunately, SSD performance is worse than in 6.2.7-200, dropping from 6.5 GB/s and 0.03 ms to 6.0 GB/s and 0.07 ms.

In the logs after the collapse, I found nothing of concern.

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