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Messages - MauryG5

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User Zone / Re: Fedora Linux Thread
« on: December 16, 2019, 02:43:38 pm »
In my opinion if you install xfce first and then from inside xfce give the commands to install gnome, the problem no longer exists. I didn't have any problems doing this and I'm still using Fedora 31 with GNOME. Same for Ubuntu, if you install gnome directly from the server version, just reload with gnome nothing works and crashes irreversibly if instead you install it from xfce then restarting it works great and gives you no more problems.

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 16, 2019, 02:34:45 pm »
Guys then, I'll update you on the procedure, MPC you were right, obviously I was wrong to write some characters and didn't take the commands, I did the copy and I managed to make some commands operational. However unfortunately arrived at the command user @ bb fedora] $ cp /boot/config-*.ppc64le .config, the system returns me error telling me: cp: the objective '.config' is not a directory
I have always done the copy paste exactly as for all the commands up to here carried out and gone to good time ... How come now it gives me error and doesn't make me continue? Where the hell is the mistake this time? :(

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 16, 2019, 11:26:50 am »
ok then I'll do as you say, I copied the exact line but it is possible that I made some mistakes that I didn't see.  Thanks for your clarification MPC, I try and let you know

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 16, 2019, 07:09:23 am »
yes MPC those commands I had already executed them, only that as soon as I make the passage number 4, it returns me error telling me that it does not find the repositories relative to the command or that it is missing connection to internet that instead there is and is regular ... I wanted to understand which commands I have to execute before those you wrote, regarding the fedora guide on kernel customization, that's my problem, I don't understand what I have to do at that point, what commands I have to use, in that guide it talks about many things but I don't know which one to use for me in my case ...

User Zone / Re: Fedora Linux Thread
« on: December 16, 2019, 07:04:42 am »
We would ask that you please refrain from any discussion on decrypting commercial DRM-protected media on these forums.  While we are aware that legality varies worldwide, we are US based and this is not something we can tolerate on these boards as a result.

Our official stance is to obtain the media in non-DRM protected form -- for instance, record it from an OTA TV showing (most ATSC/DVB tuners work great wirh unencrypted broadcasts on POWER including software like MythTV), or to simply play the media on an authorized device (i.e. a standalone Bluray player).

It also wouldn't hurt overall to let the studios know you're wanting to purchase a DRM-free version of the movie since you won't be giving them access to your personal data on your PC just to watch a movie.  Having a higher priced DRM-free variant of a movie (compare CD audio to Sirius, for example) has been something we've wanted the studios to consider for a long time.

Excuseme but I don't understand what you're referring to specifically! I have only said and asked to have information on how to install VLC as I was not able to find it and then I wrote that I wanted to understand how to make everything work better with Bluray, I do not think I have altered anything, I only use ORIGINAL software for DVDs and Bluray so if you think I'm asking for information for non-original material to play you're wrong and very pure! Reproducing original material can be done in any place, both home reader and computer reader, so I repeat I don't understand what your problem is sincerely ... If there is something that has translated badly then it is another matter, using the translator of Google doesn't always come out exactly as you write it, but I don't see it myself ...

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 16, 2019, 02:34:08 am »
Meclort so you do not make me understand unfortunately, first of all, the commands in bold where on the kernel creation guide?  If you don't see commands in bold in that guide but only commands written in red and someone written in blue.  Then if that's not what you mean then?

User Zone / Re: Fedora Linux Thread
« on: December 16, 2019, 02:25:17 am »
I after installing Fedora server, both with 30 before and after 31, I have always performed this procedure. 
1 dnf group install xfce
2 dnf install xorg-x11-drv-evdev lightdm
3 systemctl set-default
4 system enable lightdm. 
With these 4 commands you install XFCE, then from inside the XFCE simply install the GNOME and run the GNOME bug itself.

User Zone / Re: Fedora Linux Thread
« on: December 15, 2019, 05:34:10 pm »
yes I just installed it and it works, I also asked in the discussion dedicated to the software and MPC published the procedure thanks to which I installed VLC. The only problem is that I can't see Bluray, I was trying to make AACS work, the library for this task, but I still couldn't do it. I need to figure out how to enable it. Thanks for the link I'm going to take a look

Applications and Porting / Re: Blu-ray applications
« on: December 15, 2019, 04:26:05 pm »
Installed. And to think that I believed that there was not yet for Power, I didn't know how to look for it and obviously I didn't know the requirements to install it. Except that at the moment it doesn't read many DVDs / Blurays, I need some other files to integrate like the AACS library I installed but which I haven't apparently enabled yet, I have to understand how to do it and how to make it work better. Thanks again to the MPC for the procedure!

Great job, it was a long time since I wanted to understand how Chromium was installed, of which Raptor had spoken well and recommended for Power. Just installed and I must say that it works very well. Thanks vddvss for the procedure!

Applications and Porting / Re: Blu-ray applications
« on: December 15, 2019, 09:56:03 am »
great MPC, so then why didn't you let me download VLC, you have to enable the fusion repositories, perfect then I will try to perform this procedure thanks good work!

Applications and Porting / Re: Blu-ray applications
« on: December 15, 2019, 08:50:17 am »
Hi Tim, yet I have tried several times and I could not find it, I had found a site where there are many applications for the various distributions, I went to Fedora and I also found VLC but when I went to download it he wrote me not available for your architecture ...! Where do you get it for example?

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 15, 2019, 04:56:32 am »
So I think the problem is that I'm not creating the custom kernel. The point is that I have to understand how to do that, I need to know what commands to use exactly, to create this custom kernel where the patches mentioned in the guide are to be applied. In the guide there are several operations and I don't know which of those to follow exactly. Maybe I need to run the following commands: $ git clone git: //
$ git checkout -b my_branch kernel-4.7.4-200.fc24

Afterwards I have to execute the command that I posted that before did not work for me because of too many spaces and then continue with the following points. Am I right or is there any other Meklort?

Applications and Porting / Blu-ray applications
« on: December 15, 2019, 03:09:36 am »
Hi guys, I'm looking for applications to be able to read bluray discs correctly, do you have any application to recommend?  Unfortunately today VLC is not available on Power, I was hoping for that but it is not available ...

User Zone / Re: Fedora Linux Thread
« on: December 15, 2019, 03:00:33 am »
Classic excuses a question, or rather 2, in the article dedicated to Firefox 70 advised to tell Firefox that we are using Power 9, can you write the precise syntax of the command to give to get this?  Second question, I'm looking for an application to be able to read Blu-Ray discs correctly, VLC isn't currently on Power, do you know what you can use as an alternative?  Thanks

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