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Messages - MauryG5

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General Discussion / Re: 2 boot work-around
« on: January 06, 2020, 02:48:49 pm »
Then the one modified with the patch on a hardisk is this: (5.4.0-2.fc32.ppc64le)
In the other Hardisk I have this: (5.5.0-rc1 + 31)
In the second it does not carry the ppc64le extension. Both are patched to run AMD's Navi 10 GPU in my case the RAdeon 5700 XT 50 th anniversary editon. Usually Fedora does what you say or adds a version of Kernel without touching the previous one and deletes only the older one but after 3 or 4 versions ahead. I just know that there are parts of the Kernel that are in common and I'm afraid that updating I have to change the modified Kernels for that I ask how to behave ... Merklot for example said that you have to carry out that little procedure CONFIG_LOCALVERSION = " amdgpu "but I don't understand what you mean, if you have to do it as a command in the terminal or otherwise ...

General Discussion / Re: 2 boot work-around
« on: January 06, 2020, 01:35:50 pm »
Hi Xilinder, you know that command, I actually use 3 hardisks, one with Ubuntu 19.10 and the other 2 with Fedora 31 on both. In one of the two Fedora I have the Kernel, downloaded and installed with the changes already made, in the other I have the modified one that I installed through the Wiki procedure and it is the 5.5.0.rc1 +
Now I have seen that Fedora is sending Kernel updates, they update often, they are very efficient in this, the last official Fedora Kernel that I have is 5.3.16 and I don't know if now we go to 5.3.17 in any case c 'and' this update to do and before doing it I would like to know how to not affect the 2 modified Kernels that I currently have in the 2 Fedora ...

General Discussion / Re: 2 boot work-around
« on: January 06, 2020, 09:23:11 am »
CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="amdgpu" but I have to run this command in the terminal before updating the kernel and then updating or I have to put it elsewhere I don't understand ...

General Discussion / Re: 2 boot work-around
« on: January 06, 2020, 04:05:27 am »
As for the Kernel, now having the version with the patch you are talking about,( or how should we behave in front of the official updates that for example periodically releases Fedora? Do they affect our patched kernel? If so what should we do?

Applications and Porting / Software and Games for GPU new generation
« on: January 05, 2020, 05:22:49 pm »
Hello to the whole forum, now that we have support for the new AMD Navi10 GPUs, I was wondering with which software in particular, in your opinion it is possible to exploit them a little ... I don't know much currently of the most advanced Power software, also in the gaming field, while I know there are games of a certain thickness for Linux X86, I don't know anything about what could be on Power. Of course there won't be all there is on X86 I guess but I think that in any case something interesting will be there for us too ...

General CPU Discussion / Waiting for the new Power 9
« on: January 05, 2020, 03:11:46 pm »
Well guys, having started 2020 I can't help thinking about IBM and its programs. It has already been mentioned on Twitter but obviously the forum is now the most suitable place to talk in depth about these topics and therefore I would say to start talking about this fantastic new Power 9 processor which however does not yet have a proper name but a way to define it is AXON. There is a nice article about this new series of Power 9, it is said that the increase in power and bandwidth is remarkable, it is also known by now that IBM still intends to exploit Power 9 because there is no reason to switch to Power 10 as Power 9 still has a lot to offer and because the competition is not running too much and therefore you can still focus a lot on Power 9. The production process will still be on the 14th of GF, which then is none other than that of IBM when it still had the production plant which is now precisely owned by GF. I read that it is very refined to the point that it can be compared to TSMC 7, I even know that GF sued TSMC for patent infringement of their current 14-owner process, from where TSMC then pulled out the current 7. .. The agreement between IBM and GF still has a few years of validity, so also for this reason and for the fact that the 14 process is very advanced and current, I think IBM still has a lot to power use on the POWER 9.
So I hope so much to to see something concrete within the year, I am sure that we will see some beautiful ones ... FORCE POWER ALWAYS! ;)

User Zone / Re: Rough edges and how I work around them (or not)
« on: January 05, 2020, 04:00:28 am »
The problem of the video that is sometimes missing on HDMI I mentioned this to Raptor myself a while ago, I am aware of the problem and are working to resolve it. When the BMC firmware update is released, the problem will be resolved, we just have to wait for it to come out ... I also often have this problem because in the evening I disconnect the computer from the power supply to avoid power surges or similar things.

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: January 04, 2020, 01:40:19 pm »
Well guys, another personal success, after weeks of errors and various problems, I finally managed to install the modified Merklot kernel as well ... finally ...! 😁
Special thanks to Everyone! Thanks!

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: January 04, 2020, 03:46:49 am »
Sorry guys, now that we have the modified Kernel, when the official updates of Fedora or any other system arrive, those of the Kernel will also arrive, Fedora are among those that update the most kernels. How should one behave at this point? Updating directly could annoy our modified Kernel, I suppose, so what should we do in this case?

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: January 03, 2020, 08:26:48 am »
YES there will be maybe also the wording of the drivers which was not exact but consider that I got the wording exactly from the output of the grep command | VGA and I reported it on the Xorg file. The PCI bus was correct, I had put 3 too, Raptor had corrected it when I showed him the file. Other I do not know what could have been wrong. In any case we have solved and thank MPC and all for the collaboration. Sew one day Merklort returns to answer I will ask him why, according to him, despite the procedure I was successful on the other hardisk, I still don't have the kernel installed with the path ... It is very strange because when I installed everything that was missing from the system and compiled and installed the kernel correctly from what I saw, I don't understand there must be something in the last few steps that must be reviewed ...

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: January 02, 2020, 12:22:02 pm »
And hello Classic, happy new year, I installed the Kernel ready, then I put the Xorg file that gave me MPC which was correct compared to mine and the graphics card started.  My problem was apparently that I deleted the comments in the Xorg file that should be left instead.  I thought that they only served to make you understand how to correctly compile the file and instead I was wrong.  If you need I place the Xorg file that I put to make the card work.  Kernel is what Merklot posted on page 5 of this discussion and should be very similar to that posted by his friend kmarek whom I also thank for his valuable collaboration.  Now I have to solve the problem of the sound card but I have the impression that I will have to wait for them because nobody seems to know anything unfortunately ...

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: January 02, 2020, 07:35:03 am »
guys I finally solved everything, a special thanks to the friend MPC for his very precious help, he says no but he is much ahead of me with Linux and it shows. Great MPC, thank you all! As a kernel I am using the one posted by Merklot ready and it seems that it works well ...

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 31, 2019, 03:09:43 pm »
Hi MPC, happy new year to you and to the whole forum, I have already done what the guide says, as you see above I have reported what the guide says and I showed it to Raptor as well, the problem is which doesn't work unfortunately ... Even if I try to configure the graphical modes, it goes into lockout on restart. I don't know why but there is a problem with the Xorg files, it doesn't read them to me, I sent my Xorg.log.0 file to Raptor to see if they can understand what problem I have ... Listen about do you think the kernel because after the procedure I can't see version 5.5.1 as you and the others see it? It seems that everything went well and yet if I do neofetch it tells me that I still have Kernel 5.3.16 ... Do you have any idea what is missing?

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 27, 2019, 05:25:12 pm »
Understdood, in any case I installed what Merklot posted, then i'm also trying complete the session of the guide that always posted Merklot to male the Kernel modification by yourself. After all the procedure it still gives me the 5.3.16 Kernel and it's strange because It seems that everything is going we'll, I don't understand why I don't see it in the neofetch command, the modified kernel. In any case I have problems configuring starting the GPU, i'm also asking Raptor why It doesn't work as soon as I insert the configuration file xorg.conf The system hangs and I have to reboot in server mode to remove It... I don't understand... The file is this:

User Zone / Re: Graphics Card install
« on: December 27, 2019, 04:23:59 am »
wow congratulations to you you have done a great job. But listen to a question, what difference is there in your opinion between yours and the one already made published by Merklot on the previous pages, he has both published his with the various steps, and the one already made that you can download from the site and install. ..

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