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Messages - pocock

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20

Mozilla's bug tracker lists a range of PPC related issues, including problems with the WebRTC stack and Youtube:

I made a post about the bounties on the gstreamer-devel mailing list, some suggestions about future bounty projects have already appeared:

Blackbird / Re: power consumption figures?
« on: June 03, 2020, 08:20:16 am »
I feel it might be a good idea to split the tables in both the Talos II and Blackbird pages.  One table would only have wall socket measurements and the other table would have per-component measurements.

A bounty recently provided fixes for ffmpeg

Are similar fixes needed for gstreamer or any of its dependencies?

Could lessons from the ffmpeg porting be applied to any other similar multimedia frameworks, for example, gstreamer, the WebRTC media stacks in Firefox and Chrome?

Blackbird / Re: power consumption figures?
« on: June 02, 2020, 02:48:26 pm »
On the fourth row, for Blackbird bundle, do those figures include the CPU power usage or it is necessary to add the CPU figure from above?

The paragraph above the table suggests that power was measured at the wall, that implies the bundle figures include the CPU power.

It also seems very odd that the top row, a 4-core CPU running at 2.15GHz is using more power (54W) than the 8-core CPU at 3.8GHz (34W).  Is the figure for a 4-core system based on the complete bundle, motherboard, RAM, etc?

General CPU Discussion / equivalent to a HP Z cooler?
« on: June 01, 2020, 04:29:53 pm »

Is there any possibility of somebody marketing a fanless POWER9 cooler similar to the HP Z coolers?

Maybe this would not be feasible for the 22 core chips but it would be very interesting for 4-core.  Not only is it silent but it also eliminates one possible type of mechanical failure.

Blackbird / power consumption figures?
« on: June 01, 2020, 04:25:21 pm »

The wiki has some rough power figures for Talos II

Could anybody provide similar figures for basic Blackbird builds, with bare minimum spec, no GPU?

Blackbird + 32GB + basic SSD + CPU (4 core v2 idle) = ? Watts
Blackbird + 32GB + basic SSD + CPU (4 core v2 100% utilization) = ? Watts
Blackbird + 32GB + basic SSD + CPU (8 core v2 idle) = ? Watts
Blackbird + 32GB + basic SSD + CPU (8 core v2 100% utilization) = ? Watts

This type of detail is really useful for anybody trying to estimate PSU requirements, runtime on a UPS and heat output of the box

In comparison, HP provides a couple of example builds for each of their Z workstations in quickspecs documents like this (see page 26).  Most people can extrapolate from one of the examples to their own use case.

General Discussion / LSI HBAs on ordering page - blobs?
« on: June 01, 2020, 04:03:11 pm »
The Raptor ordering page includes some LSI HBAs for SATA / SAS:

  • LSI 9300-8i 8-port Internal SAS 3.0 HBA
  • LSI 9300-8e 8-port External SAS 3.0 HBA
  • MegaRAID 9361 8-port Internal SAS HBA w/ BBU
  • MegaRAID 9361 16-port Internal SAS HBA w/ BBU

The non-RAID cards have a PowerPC 476 running firmware from LSI.  The RAID cards have some kind of RAID SoC, I haven't looked at the details but it also includes firmware.

Is there any particular reason these are recommended in the ordering process or is source code available now?

Do these cards allow people to replace the firmware or do they expect cryptographically signed blobs from the vendor?

Talos II / OCuLink ambiguity
« on: June 01, 2020, 02:05:08 am »

When I look at the ordering pages on the Raptor site, it offers various OCuLink products:

  • 4x OCuLink PCIe Expander (Gen 3)
  • OCuLink to U.2 Cable

The manual:

includes errata stating that

μPCIe connector (J10108) is incorrectly identified as OCuLink (SFF-8621) due to errors that were discovered post-production in IBM OpenPOWER reference designs.  While the physical connector is the same as OCuLink ports, the wiring is different, notably in the presence detect / clocking pins.  As such, while an OCuLink peripheral is unlikely to be damaged by being plugged in to the μPCIe port, it will not function while attached.

If that is the case, buyers selecting the OCuLink products will not be able to use them - or has the board design been changed somehow to make OCuLink work?


Some cases (e.g. the Fractal Define 7 XL) offer metal side panels with acoustic dampening or tempered glass as an alternative.

For systems built with the various Raptor motherboards, Talos II and Blackbird, what are the real world observations about noise levels?

Is anybody going to notice the difference in acoustic emissions if they choose tempered glass cases over the fully sound dampened cases?

I didn't see anything about this when interacting with sales or when looking at the order page

When I do a search for Vikings on all it only returns one link:

If choices like this are not obvious to purchasers then some people won't look for them, they will simply leave the site without any purchase.

It would also be helpful if you can clarify:
- is Vikings responsible for support, warranty, etc?
- does this also serve Switzerland and potentially the post-Brexit UK?

A web search for Vikings doesn't always return anything useful as it is a very generic word.  Vikings web site:

There are a few comments about this topic in other threads (search for Europe to find them) but I thought it is worth having its own thread.

To summarize the problems:

- delivery from the US means longer delay, higher shipping costs and uncertain administrative charges at customs clearance

- if a product has to be returned under warranty, there are extra taxes in each direction, on top of the extra shipping cost and delay

- if a product being returned is completely dead on arrival or subsequently failed beyond repair, it is a horrendous waste of money to pay more taxes for a round-trip through customs

- overall, the type of person who buys this product is probably an experienced user who is aware of all these risks and may be deterred from purchasing

There are other products with similar challenges, for example, the LimeSDR.  In their case, it is even worse, because they are based in the UK, they asked Europeans to support them in crowdfunding but they decided to outsource all shipping to a US company:

Here is why the issue is really important for OpenPOWER:

- most EU countries have a single market and there is a possibility the UK will participate in the single market after Brexit.

- Switzerland is not in the single market but some logistics companies have been very effective at setting up customs-bonded warehouses near the border and they can deliver into either the EU or Swiss markets without extra burden.  Example: Basel (CH) airport is actually on French territory, in the EU.

- a lot of the developers on related projects are in the European countries.  Looking at the Raptor wiki, the Firefox and Tor issues are on the front page, both of these groups have a lot of people in Europe.

What can be done about this, for the OpenPOWER products but also for other products like LimeSDR?

Please feel free to share any ideas

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: next generation Blackbird ideas
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:16:15 pm »

Condor release is coming after all.  Beware...

But in our case, it looks like Raptor's Condor has half of what is discussed in this thread.

DisplayPort would be completely acceptable in lieu of HDMI.  Most good monitors seem to have at least one of each these days.

The Condor wiki page doesn't mention plans for M.2 or bifurcation.

General OpenPOWER Discussion / next generation Blackbird ideas
« on: May 08, 2020, 06:04:11 pm »
I had a look over the various specs and blogs that people wrote about experiences with Blackbird and Talos II boards.

Here are some observations, maybe a wish list for future board designs:

Blackbird only supports 2 DIMMs / 2 memory channels, but for the price of these boards and CPUs I feel that it is very compelling to have 4 channels, as in the Talos II Lite, which is only a little bit more expensive than Blackbird anyway.

With only two PCIe slots on the Blackbird and Talos II Lite and no support for PCIe bifurcation, it is difficult for people to do NVMe RAID.  It would be really useful to have a couple of M.2 slots on the board so that people can have up to two NVMe SSDs and still keep the PCIe slots free.

4K monitors are much more common today than they were when POWER9 was launched.  It would be nice to have basic 2D support for a 4K display on the built-in HDMI port.  From practical experience running Debian and GNOME, I found that small 4K graphics cards, like the NVIDIA K420 with 2GB were unstable but cards with 4GB or more have been trouble-free for a development desktop.

On size, it could be bigger than Blackboard but it really needs to be smaller than Talos II (Lite) to open up a wider choice of cases.

A board with all of the above would probably be somewhere between Blackbird and Talos II Lite.

General CPU Discussion / POWER9 water cooling kit
« on: May 08, 2020, 03:06:30 am »

This article has a photo of a POWER9 with a water cooling kit

Water cooling could be a useful solution for people who are trying to minimize noise levels.

It can also be useful for moving heat further away from the place where equipment is used, if sufficient pipework can be installed.

General Discussion / Fractal Design cases
« on: May 07, 2020, 06:12:53 pm »

Here is a photo of another board in this particular case, does it appear suitable for Talos II?

More about the case:

Some of their cases also appear suitable for Blackbird.

Searching their support page produces some measurements and screenshots for SSI and E-ATX:

For example, this appears to rule out their R6 E-ATX case for Talos II:

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