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Messages - migsutu

Pages: [1]
User Zone / Re: Fedora or Suse ppc
« on: August 23, 2024, 05:48:42 pm »
Thanks for the tip! I didn't realize that.

User Zone / Re: Fedora or Suse ppc
« on: August 22, 2024, 04:41:00 pm »
It reboots, motherboard beeps, and then monitor never comes alive again. Have to do a hard power off.

I am running a Radeon RX5500XT.

I am not sure on fast-reset on or off. Is this a setting on the board?

Yes I have been getting used to just powering it off. I was curious what other people were experiencing.

User Zone / Fedora or Suse ppc
« on: August 22, 2024, 09:54:38 am »
What is the experience with the latest Fedora and Suse versions? Traditionally I have used Fedora, and version 40 with KDE6 and Plasma is very very nice. I have several things that effect my system, like Updates through Discover showing up but handing on installation through the GUI. DNF update through the console works fine. The other issue I seem to have I am not able to restart the system. It will not reboot back, it require me turning the whole computer off and then back on. I am running a Blackbird with the 4 core processor. I experimented with Suse and it seemed like some of these issues didn't happen with it.

I guess I should have mentioned I am using this machine as my day to day desktop machine. Wondering if anyone else is doing this as well.

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