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Water Cooler => General OpenPOWER Discussion => Topic started by: MPC7500 on October 19, 2023, 07:09:19 pm

Title: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: MPC7500 on October 19, 2023, 07:09:19 pm
A bit cryptic

Edit: Solid Silicon Corp and Raptor Computing Systems Collaborate to Deliver Next Gen Secure BMC Solution Powered by Lattice
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: Hasturtium on October 19, 2023, 08:47:39 pm
So Solid Silicon + Raptor have created a new BMC, and Solid Silicon + Lattice have cooperated to create a Power10 that isn't encumbered by source availability issues? Is that a possibility? If they're changing the CPU socket that means it's definitely not reheated Sforza + Blackbird/Talos II... but I guess time will tell.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: MPC7500 on October 20, 2023, 03:22:54 am
I guess Solid Silicon has the related blobs of the Power10 reverse engineered. For this reason, they may not sell the CPU as Power10 and call it S1. I honestly don't see any company launching a new CPU in such a short time. The PowerISA 3.1 has only been around since 2020.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: MPC7500 on October 20, 2023, 05:42:46 pm
Here is the website of Solid Silicon: https://www.solidsilicon.com/
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: rjzak on October 21, 2023, 12:15:38 pm
I really hope the new motherboard has nvme slots, and maybe more USB ports. SATA would be nice too.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: Hasturtium on October 21, 2023, 09:31:15 pm
It looks like the truth is considerably more interesting - per our own ClassicHasClass (https://www.talospace.com/2023/10/the-next-raptor-openpower-systems-are.html), this won't be a Power10 CPU, but it will be SMT-4 capable and offer competitive features.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: AdamJoseph on October 21, 2023, 10:52:12 pm
I want to believe in this as much as anybody else here, but the only way this adds up -- and it's still quite a stretch -- is if this chip really is a Power10, possibly with very minor metal-mask-only changes (like the spectre-fix stepping of Power9), and Raptor somehow miraculously talked IBM into this but couldn't convince them to license the "Power10" trademark.  Like I said, quite a stretch.

I'd love to believe that somebody other than IBM is doing an owner-controlled, independently-developed PowerISA 3.2 chip on a leading-edge node.  But that's way into "flying pigs in snowy hell" territory.  It's eight figures just for the maskset on anything newer than Power9's GloFo14 process.  What sort of investor gave that kind of cash to a company which did not seem to exist until this announcement surfaced? (and can I have some? :) )  Not to mention the lead times!  If this was an independent design with any chance of shipping by end of 2024, there would be physical MPW samples already.

I'd love to be totally wrong about all of this.

Even if it is a "white label Power10", there are still a lot of questions.  What's the story with the memory controller?  I saw some comment somewhere suggesting maybe putting a serial-to-parallel (OMI-to-DDR) fanout chip (the heatsinked chip in this photo (https://www.servethehome.com/microchip-smc-1000-for-the-serial-attached-memory-future/)) inside the same package as the CPU die, along with an immutable ROM for its firmware.  But that too seems improbable... those fanout chips are designed to drive really short traces on the same PCB (this is a big part of the power savings they claim).  The odds that they would be able to drive big long traces passing across a DIMM slot and cardedge seem slim.  None of the other customers buying those chips need that capability (if they did, they wouldn't be fooling around with OMI in the first place).
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: MPC7500 on October 22, 2023, 01:39:08 pm
I really hope the new motherboard has nvme slots, and maybe more USB ports. SATA would be nice too.

Yes. Also hibernation, faster boot times, and adjusting fan curves without recompiling would be nice.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: tle on October 22, 2023, 06:58:52 pm
S1 is now confirmed a POWER9. There are so many quirks with the way Raptor motherboard arranges components. Notably the PCIe slots leaves no room to install big GPU card.

Here are my wishlist for S1-based Raptor (if they are to use the same name):

* Hibernation
* built-in NVMe slot for host OS
* 4 USB ports: 2x USB type C and 2x USB type A
* 1 2.5GbE ethernet port
* Another PCIex4 slot
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: AdamJoseph on October 22, 2023, 07:26:01 pm
S1 is now confirmed a POWER9.

Since POWER9 is ISA 3.0, and the announcement said ISA 3.1, how is this possible?
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: carlosgonz on October 22, 2023, 08:55:18 pm
My wishes it is ReversingEngineering or Hack the 2 Blobs for IBM Power 10 or wait to Power 11 to see what is going on to Condor.
Other wishes to Condor it is Built-in  Kestrel and FSF RYF.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: ClassicHasClass on October 22, 2023, 09:15:09 pm
S1 is now confirmed a POWER9.

Based on what?
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: tle on October 22, 2023, 11:56:44 pm
Sorry I was wrong. I misread the announcement. If it is PowerISA 3.1 then it is likely POWER10-compatible..
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: Borley on October 23, 2023, 06:43:01 pm
The is the best news I've received perhaps all year. Hopefully the new design, both boards and chips, uphold freedom and openness before bolting on any new creature comforts.

Other wishes to Condor it is Built-in  Kestrel and FSF RYF.

FSF have not gotten around to Blackbird RYF certification because they have not had the bandwidth to focus on it. Maybe new boards will reignite their vigor.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: lepidotos on November 16, 2023, 08:23:07 pm
I mean, is it possible it's a POWER9 with bumped up ISA compatibility? If so, it would be nice if it was still socket compatible, so that people could reuse their old CPUs; I just bought a 16-core 160W 231 a couple months ago. In any case, it's good that it exists at all, but hopefully its successor uses the same socket.

Also, their website shows direct-attach RAM: https://solidsilicon.com/desktop/images/8152dd0e-6642-450d-b30d-cfb2a6cdbabf.png
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: Borley on November 27, 2023, 08:08:24 pm
Here is the website of Solid Silicon: https://www.solidsilicon.com/

No matter how I try to view the site, it only loads a blank white canvas (Or black canvas, with CSS but no javascript). There is a vimeo link supplied to a scene of smoke rolling over mountains. I assume they attempt to use this for an animated backdrop?

It hasn't been picked up by web archive and other archivers also just grab a blank page. Has anybody been able to view their page?
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: lepidotos on November 28, 2023, 05:21:38 am
Loads in fine for me. Page 1 is a generic looking fullscreen video of that mountain shot, page two has three eighths of a paragraph selling open hardware kinda distastefully in my opinion before saying their silicon is "future-proof" (a claim shared by paragons of futurism eMachines), page three is just one sentence and a full screen image of the X1, page four the same (though a sentence twice as long) for the S1, and page five is literally just a giant gray screen with an email address in slightly less big, also gray-on-gray text compared to the much bigger white on blue or black on gray that we've seen before then. You're really not missing out, it's the same kind of site that's almost formatted more like a business card that I hate.
Title: Re: Announcement from Raptor / Solid Silicon Corp
Post by: Borley on January 03, 2024, 06:30:03 pm
Oh, you just have to scroll down from the completely blank white title card.

Imagine having the option to own your own keys and use silicon that has fully open source firmware and tooling.
Meet the X1
A perfect chip for BMC and IOT.  Simplify your design with embedded Lattice FPGA technology, DRAM, and Root of Trust.
Meet the S1
A powerful AI enabled OpenPOWER CPU for servers and edge devices. Simplify and secure your design with open ISA, embedded Root of Trust, BMC, and reference designs.