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Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by tle on May 12, 2024, 10:00:00 pm »
What was the issue with dosbox-staging? Something I should look at or do you think it's packaging-specific?

I got segfault when trying to run Master of Orion II

Just made a new Chromium update but unfortunately the problem hasn't been resolved yet... It seems like this is a long time coming... I don't know if the developers are aware of the problem, someone has reported it to the team Fedora? I haven't used Fedora for a long time so I don't even remember how to do it anymore... :)
Good news for polymc/prismlauncher users!! This instance should 'just work' on multimc, polymc, or prismlauncher. (I can't test multimc but it works on a veryy old build of poly so it *should*:TM:)

The explanation for which is here: ( and more details here )
This is the same file mentioned but with a little change: the commit you mentioned added support for multiple architectures so instead of having just "linux" we check for "linux-ppc64le" so the only change was where you find "linux": "natives-linux" inside a "natives" object I added another line "linux-ppc64le": "natives-linux",
we decided to change linux to be equivalent to linux-x86_64 and linux-x86. So if you are on a CPU architecture other than x86_64/x86, it will try to use linux-<cpu-arch>

This also means that a single instance can now support many targets: amd64, x86, ppc64le, riscv, and so on.

You can also cp `~/.local/share/{PrismLauncher,PolyMC}/instances/{instancename}/patches/org.lwjgl3.json` of the instance i linked to the `patches` subdir of any instance (for any MC version that uses <= the provided version of LWJGL3) to make it run on ppc64le.

Official builds for lwjgl3 on ppc64le are now available right here! Completely customizable too. Lwjgl is a pain to build, so this is very very welcome.

I'm going to try getting changes in polymc/prismlauncher themselves to "just work" on ppc64le-- automatically detecting the arch, and when mojang doesn't provide the needed natives, download from No promises on that though. The other option is to pester mojang to provide natives themselves for ppc64le........ if anyone wants to take that on, feel free :p

I'm also going to try PR'ing lwjgl3ify (a 1.7.10 forge mod making it compatible with modern java and lwjgl3) to provide sections for `linux-ppc64le` in their default pack instances, to make that just work ootb.
What was the issue with dosbox-staging? Something I should look at or do you think it's packaging-specific?
Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by tle on May 09, 2024, 09:35:05 pm »
I have reported that error.

I also pick up few other errors with applications such as dosbox-staging.

The common issue is that apps that are built with vendored Fedoran libs
are likely to misbehave. This is one of many reasons why few packages
have to resolve to use the bundled libs that the app come with.
Operating Systems and Porting / [NEWS] Rocky Linux 9.4
« Last post by tle on May 09, 2024, 09:31:32 pm »
Announcement source

It’s good to know the Alma and Rocky Linux has continued the journey that CentOS has given up.

More options, the better!

P/S: I have not used it yet so unsure how good it is compared with to RHEL
Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by Hasturtium on May 07, 2024, 07:53:44 pm »
And now, after updating and rebooting, the default Image Viewer fails to load an image, citing

This also causes SELinux to catch three errors:

1. Source process systemd-coredump attempted access sys_admin on capability (blank)
2. Source process abrt-dump-journal attempted access connectto on unix_stream_socket io.systemd.Home
3. Source process abrt-dump-journal attempted access connectto on unix_stream_socket io.systemd.Machine

Ristretto works and I'm running Xfce anyway, but what the hell.
Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Fedora 40 is officially released!
« Last post by Hasturtium on May 06, 2024, 06:46:19 pm »
Disregard - decided I must have followed a bad post-setup guide for F39 that broke something in the installer, so I went ahead and performed a clean install while maintaining my /home partition’s contents. Reporting in, it’s… working fine? Apart from Chromium, which is behaving as others have mentioned: it’s quick initially but bogs down and seems to stare into space in fits and starts before finally locking up and crashing. Sharkcz’s copr of Firefox 115.10 with the honorable ClassicHasClass’s JIT patches to the rescue.
YES after a few minutes it freezes, the hard disk starts reading who knows what and after a while it suddenly closes and stops... It should be reported to the Fedora team at this point, they have to see what's missing...
My guess is it's unfinished. I did my F40 upgrade over the weekend and Chromium throws occasional breakpoint traps. There might be some sections of code that are unimplemented.
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