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Messages - ClassicHasClass

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 [22] 23 24 ... 30
GPU Compute / Accelerators / Re: the microcode question
« on: August 10, 2020, 11:16:59 am »
Maury, that doesn't help him because that still requires an AMD blob.

I'm not aware of a fully free 4K framebuffer ... yet. I'm told some people were putting RISC-V to such a task but I haven't heard much further and it might just be wishful thinking.

General CPU Discussion / Re: POWER9 water cooling kit
« on: August 10, 2020, 11:15:46 am »

Operating Systems and Porting / Re: [NEWS] Linux kernel 5.8 is out!
« on: August 03, 2020, 08:37:30 pm »
Does that mean an Axone system in the works, potentially?

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: hosting requirements and strategies
« on: August 02, 2020, 10:50:33 pm »
Our suspicion is that many organizations try to keep spare parts on hand so as to avoid ending up in an emergency call out / parts acquisition scenario

As someone who is generally a self-hoster (the server room in this house is a converted spare bedroom), I definitely like having spare parts. In 2014 my main POWER6 blew its planar and it took several days to get a replacement -- I had to move everything over to the old 604e for most of the week -- so now I keep spares.

General CPU Discussion / Re: v2 CPU availability?
« on: July 31, 2020, 10:43:39 am »
No, I wasn't really being sarcastic (maybe a little snarky).  ;) My concern here is the amount of cooling that would make it liveable as a workstation. The board is clearly able to handle it and I don't have any reliability concerns given how overengineered the II board is, but the HSFs will probably be whining all the time unless you have it parked somewhere else as a host where you don't have to listen to it. I would also imagine the TDP would cause a lot of heat in a typical room. I've always thought the 22s were better in server configurations.

General CPU Discussion / Re: v2 CPU availability?
« on: July 31, 2020, 10:09:05 am »
I'll be very interested to hear how the 22's do in a workstation, especially since you'll really need two of them.

What attracts me to Power-based hosting most is the familiarity of the architecture and the smaller attack surface. I also think that more security conscious customers would also favour the auditable firmware and the better Spectre and Meltdown mitigations, especially on shared hosts. The problem is that there isn't a great deal of such hosting available (Integricloud, of course, but relatively few others) and only highly technical folks like us are aware of these differences.

General OpenPOWER Discussion / Re: News?
« on: July 31, 2020, 10:03:22 am »
The talospace blog seems to be the best source of power9 and/or Raptor news that I've seen...

*bows slightly*

Raptor does have a Twitter. Quitting Twitter and Facebook was one of the best things I did in my life, but they do put things on @raptorcompsys.

A better way might be to manually guard out some of the cores. This is supported by the firmware, even, but I haven't played with doing so intentionally.

Applications and Porting / Re: (some times) no audio on Firefox
« on: July 26, 2020, 11:21:51 pm »
That bug report interests me as well, because I wrote up a 3D webcam driver which can drive a v42l virtual camera, and everything but Firefox will talk to it.

Blackbird / Re: RAM slot B1 not showing
« on: July 15, 2020, 11:25:06 pm »
No. My Blackbird has its RAM stick in B1 and sees all of it. What type of RAM?

Open a terminal window and type 'dmesg'. A lot of output may appear; you're interested in what's down near the bottom, particularly anything obvious that might say BUG: (a kernel issue) or a crash dump.

Does anything interesting appear in dmesg after?

What type of disks? NVMe, SATA over PCI, ?

Never seen anything like that with F32 on my system, but I read mail on spool as G-d intended.  ;D

Applications and Porting / Re: availability for porting work
« on: July 08, 2020, 11:05:39 pm »
It's performance for sure, but also we don't have WASM support without it. I'm told there is a separate effort working on it (which is good because I'm really running short on free time these days, and anyone who knows my day job knows why), but I'll let that separate effort comment, if they desire to.

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