Author Topic: Irish elections, CPU manufacturing, multinationals and the IPFS in elections  (Read 3018 times)


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Irish elections are tomorrow and one of the big issue is the state dependency on tax revenue from multinationals

There are many discussions that can be started about multinationals but the one topic I want to mention here is the presence of Intel's CPU manufacturing plant on the edge of Dublin and the supply chain that supports them.

People are asking how Ireland can broaden its revenue streams by having a more diverse range of companies.  Nonetheless, it makes sense to have companies that use the existing supply chains and skills.  This gives more options for tech workers when they want to change jobs.

Has anybody heard anything recently about anybody other than IBM wanting to engage in OpenPOWER chip production?

Does anybody have any general comments on the possibility of somebody producing RISC V in Ireland or is RISC V still a pipe dream?

At the same time, there is a a new category on my blog for IPFS and some posts about how this tool has been used and useful in elections.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2024, 12:47:21 am by pocock »
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Most companies go the fabless route since building a fab is so expensive.
With the trouble Intel is having they could be bought and their fab business split off. If that happens maybe it would open up to making OpenPower chips from companies utilizing IP from Solid Silicon and Red Semiconductor.

I don't think RISC-V will make it in the Desktop/server class market. It seems to work well at the Embedded Linux level though, which is a big market and probable better then trying to get into the desktop market anyways.