I built one of the v1.xx BMC firmwares about a year ago. I might still have notes on that, but it involved switching a lot of the repo urls in bitbake packages. All the source is still online, just not at the same URLs.
You can find Raptor's Repos on
and at some point in time they moved some repos from one server to another.
Maybe this is because it's a special developer system with DD2.1-stepped CPU?
Do you know what part number your CPU is?
Edit: Oh, I see from your other thread and IRC that you it's the same
02AA883 CPU I have. I already mentioned on IRC, but I'm going to repeat here just so it's searchable by others: aside from "just" being DD2.1 stepping, this CPU uses unpaired cores. At least for adaptl and myself, all 4 of the active cores are on the same quad even (cores 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, and 0x17 are the active cores).
All of the production (DD2.2+) 4 core CPUs were made for RaptorCS and only made from dies that had 4 usable cores which weren't paired (so ie, if core 0x14 and 0x15 were good, only one was used). The big ramification is L2 and L3 cache sharing which would worsen the spectre/meltdown concerns.
Here's the core layout in the Sforza CPUs (
pg37). (core 0x00 from linux's perspective has address 0x20 on the diagram)

I wasn't sure if all of the
DD2.1 special developer systems were the same or if some had unpaired cores.