Software > Applications and Porting

RustiCL on Fedora 39


Ahoy. I've been trying to goad RustiCL into working with my Radeon RX 6600 on Fedora 39. To my knowledge I've installed all necessary prereqs for RustiCL to work, and setting RUSTICL_ENABLE=radeonsi does not seem to trigger any problems. Unfortunately when I run QGIS it still insists it cannot find a working OpenCL implementation. In running clinfo, both Clover and RustiCL report back, and one of them - probably Clover - barfs out the following message:

--- Code: ---=== CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG ===
fatal error: cannot open file '/usr/lib64/clc/gfx1032-amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d.bc': No such file or directory

--- End code ---

I've determined that the compute kernel it's hunting for is not present, and looking for it online has been fruitless. I am not willing to create a symlink to point to something else, that sounds like an invitation to instability at best. The complete output from running RUSTICL_ENABLE=radeonsi > output.txt is here. It would be really nice if I could use my RX 6600 for something new. Anybody else gotten RustiCL working yet?


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