Software > Applications and Porting

[GAMES] Can box64 run x86_64 Linux and Windows games?

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It's good to know Box64 0.24 has already supported PPC64LE.

I am curious to see how it would be able to run x86_64 titles. Firstly lets compile the app:

--- Code: ---git clone
cd box64
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -PPC64LE=1 -DPAGE64K=ON
make -j32
sudo make install
--- End code ---

NOTE: I am running Fedora 40 (rawhide) which we all know use 64K Pagesize, hence the PAGE64K is enabled.

Title: Pillars of Eternity
Platform: Linux
Arch: x86_64
Game Engine: Unity3D (OpenGL)
Rating: 1/10 (Super SLOOOOW to load up)

The installer (which is mojosetup-based) could not be run with box64 so I have to use a native x86_64 Linux box to run the installer and copy all files to my PPC64LE box.

--- Code: ---box64 ./PillarsOfEternity
--- End code ---

No error in the box64 output however the loading time is excruciating! It took 20min to load to the first screen! Then any other click to New Game does not respond. That's the furthest I could get to with this game.

Due to lacking of JIT, the performance is obviously subpar to that of ARM64


Let's hope they would wrap up the work for RISC-V JIT quickly so they could spend time on porting JIT for PPC64LE

Semi-related, I did some basic work on a JIT for blink a couple months back, but there's a bug in it I was never able to figure out, and it doesn't have great debugging facilities for JIT-generated code.

What is `blink`?


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