Water Cooler > General OpenPOWER Discussion

Share your machine with the community through the effort by the Kernel.Cafe


Mr. Strormberg has been advocating for a shared community computers targeting developers who want to access to unpopular architectures for learning and app porting.

More details could be found at https://github.com/KernelCafe/welcome

I really like the noble idea and hope that my linux.ppc64le node (hostname: shrimp-paste) would help encourage more developers to pick up OpenPOWER platform. I would like to encourage you to share your
node too if it is not much hassles.

I'm interested in getting funding for projects on ppc64le and as part of that, I'd be happy to budget for a lab machine and make it available publicly.  Sometimes I would be testing different operating systems or kernels so it wouldn't be available continuously.

My personal network security requirements are a concern for offering my own hardware to the project, but I like this idea.


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