Author Topic: ffmpeg transparency issue fixed (also fixes Blender and OBS issues)  (Read 3653 times)


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I had some communication with the Blender and ffmpeg developers about issues with transparency

For example, the preview panel in Blender was corrupted and some input images or videos were corrupted in OBS

The root cause was in ffmpeg, it is fixed here.  The issue is also tracked in Blender.

I produced an updated version of my Debian backport of ffmpeg 4.3.1, it now includes both the POWER9 optimizations and the fix for this particular issue.  The version with the fix is ffmpeg_4.3.1-5~bpo10+2

If you already used packages from then you can simply do

Code: [Select]
apt install -t debify-buster-backports ffmpeg

If you did not already use it, you need to add the apt source before installing/upgrading your ffmpeg:

Code: [Select]
$ wget -O - | bash
apt install -t debify-buster-backports ffmpeg
Debian Developer