Author Topic: Back in stock - the journey, chronicled  (Read 4985 times)


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Back in stock - the journey, chronicled
« on: April 19, 2023, 06:04:55 pm »
Quote More Blackbirds are being produced
IRC, July 19:
tpearson: bkeys: We're targeting shipments starting September.  Not a guarantee, but you may use that for planning

The #Blackbirds are coming, the #Blackbirds are coming!  What are we up to now...…

Be sure to pre-order yours now at… to get one of these new units fresh off the line.  More updates to come in November!

"Any word on when more Blackbird boards will be available?"
@RaptorCompSys Dec 9 Replying to @jwbowen
We had hoped to have them available last month but are working through some new issues in regard to supply chain.  We'll have an update later this month, hopefully with some good news!

April 26
In reference to the Blackbirds, we continue to work through the remaining COVID19 lockdown induced issues.  We are very close at this point to having them back in stock in significant quantities, so shipments should resume shortly.  Talos II remains in stock at this time.

Seems to be awaiting this FPGA

3/2 thum> that would've been weird, Tim just mentioned those in an email to me...

@RaptorCompSys Mar 7
Best way to prevent this type of weapon being turned on you is to buy a Talos II right now, or a Blackbird soon

Mar 30
We'll have these back in stock…,175.msg3017.html#msg3017
I placed mine in late September of last year. Cross your fingers.
edit: Got an email this evening confirming shipment, with a tracking number. What a weekend for me to go out of town... but next week I'm free to set it up!

By August 31st
There are small improvements, but largely the same.  We don't want to have to increase prices to the extent that would be needed for a ground-up redesign.

In conjunction with the Arctic Tern release today, we also wanted to provide an update on Blackbird. We remain on track for shipment by August 31, 2022.
Those items would also be possible -- S2R is theoretically possible starting with the 1.02 hardware version of the Blackbird, due to power regulator control circuit changes...
April 12, 2023
The #Blackbird owner-controlled #POWER9 desktop mainboards and systems are now back in stock!

Okay, these are actually just my notes from tracking the situation. It took 34 months to reach full production again, which is laudable considering the circumstances they were up against. Individual orders were fulfilled and received even earlier than that.