Water Cooler > General OpenPOWER Discussion


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I was wondering if there is any news about Raptor.  They don't seem to post any news here or on their web page.  Do they have any new products coming out?  How are they weathering the plague?  etc.?

The talospace blog seems to be the best source of power9 and/or Raptor news that I've seen...

Personally, I can empathize with all those small businesses operating in the free and open source technology space who may also be impacted by things out of their control, whether it is a loss of sales, loss of colleagues, loss of family or all of the above.  On the other hand, I don't want to speculate about Raptor or any other specific business.

If any small business is looking for community support at this time, I hope they will be able to reach out to the right supporters in the community and find a constructive way forward.

Looking at Raptor in particular: I had deferred buying new workstations for a number of years.  But with the increase in working from home, it became important for me to get a new workstation in 2020 and Raptor was high on my list.  Not everybody is fortunate enough to be purchasing a workstation this year but if you know people who need to maximize their productivity while working from home, suggesting they consider Raptor's products may be helpful.  That is why I tried to capture some of my own purchasing experience here.


--- Quote from: surf on July 30, 2020, 06:14:32 pm ---The talospace blog seems to be the best source of power9 and/or Raptor news that I've seen...

--- End quote ---

*bows slightly*

Raptor does have a Twitter. Quitting Twitter and Facebook was one of the best things I did in my life, but they do put things on @raptorcompsys.

Indeed, our Twitter feed is the main place we tend to post minor updates or news articles.  That said with the COVID19 situation we've been a bit less active with the global community overall; our intent is that once things return to more normal we'll be able to ramp up our social media and marketing again.

We miss you all at the face to face conferences; those were excellent venues for more niche product lines like ours and we have yet to find a viable substitute.  Here's hoping 2021 will bring back the more decentralized physical events (i.e. supplant the Google/Amazon/Microsoft/Intel/AMD-dominated online events) and we'll get you see you in person with some of the technologies we're working on for 2021 / 2022!

Side note: Condor was in fact cancelled due to COVID19.  We didn't want to have to do that, but economic concerns regarding launching a brand new product into a soft market with limited IBM support won out in the end.  We're focusing our efforts on other open, owner controlled, ppc64le technologies, so stay tuned!  8)


--- Quote from: SiteAdmin on July 31, 2020, 03:52:38 pm ---Indeed, our Twitter feed is the main place we tend to post minor updates or news articles.
--- End quote ---

Thanks for the reply.  I wish you guys luck with your open source projects, and I will stay tuned!

FWIW when I go to the twitter web page I get a cute blue cartoon picture of a bird.  If you (or someone) could post relevant news here or on the Raptor web page I would appreciate it.


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