Raptor Computing Systems Hardware > Blackbird

Keyboard unresponsive at boot menu (Petitboot)

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I'm new to Talos. I've just bought a Blackbird and still did not receive it.

If I understood it correctly, I will not see on HDMI the boot sequence until the Debian pre installed starts to print messages.

Is that correct? Will I have to open to cabinet when I get the product and switch any strap?

Thanks in advance,

The difference is whether you have a GPU installed or not. If you don't, then everything appears on the on-board HDMI 2D framebuffer, which is driven by the BMC, including Hostboot and the Petitboot menu. My Blackbird is set up that way.

If you have a GPU installed and you jumpered it so that the GPU is used, then you may need to put the GPU's firmware into PNOR so that Petitboot will work with it (note that you will not see the earliest Hostboot sequence and nothing will appear until you get to Petitboot). If you don't do this, the system will run, but you won't see anything until the main OS starts. See https://wiki.raptorcs.com/wiki/Add_GPU_Firmware_To_BOOTKERNFW

I have both GPUs connected to the display.
AST for Hostboot/ Petitboot
Radeon for the OS

Select desired GPU at runtime

Thank you both for the feed-back. I've ordered the Blackbird without GPU so I understand from your replies that I'll be able to see the whole boot process on the HDMI.

Yes, it should "just work."


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