I own a Talos II running Linux 6.6.62.
Since a week ago, I'm getting the following message on the logs:
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: _ _______________
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: | | / \
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: | | | WARNING! |
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: | | | |
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: | | | It looks like |
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: |_| | you have 1 |
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: _ | guarded cores |
mar 12 19:53:48 kernel: (_) \_______________/
I didn't get those before, and I haven't installed a new kernel for months.
Also, I can't find much information about it on Google, other than a couple of references to kernel's source code.
Can anyone shed some light on this?